Russell's paradox

Russell's paradox: Let RR be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If RR is not a member of itself, then by definition it must contain itself. But if it does contain itself, then it contradicts its own definition.

The set RR contains objects that do not contain themselves. Since these objects are bound to be sets (because only sets can contain stuff), we can say that the set RR contains sets that are not members of itself.

Normally, a set does not contain itselves (that would lead to infinite recursion), so almost all sets are classified as belonging to RR.

Now, we just need to determine where does the RR itself belongs:

  • if RR is not a member of RR, then his definition dictates that it must contain itself (because it has the required property).

  • if RR is a member of RR, then it contradicts its own definition (because it doesn't have the required property).

This paradox, like many others, emerges in connection with self-reference; "whenever there's a self-reference, a paradox lurks near by".

This paradox have been a forking point that spawned many set theories with different strategies on how to avoid it. A consistent system must impose restrictions on the set inclusion rules. The restriction of regulations about what can constitute a set, made way for the axiomatic set theory i.e. class theory

In a more formal presentation, Russell's paradox states that the predicate PP, "a set containing itself", holds for a set, XX, if it does contain itself: P(X)    XXP(X) \iff X \in X

So, the set XX contains members that are sets containing themselves: X={xX.P(x)    xx}X = \{\forall x \in X.P(x) \iff x \in x \}

The set RR is a set whose members are the (normal) sets that don't contain themselves (they don't satisfy the predicate): R={sR.¬P(s)    s∉s}R = \{\forall s \in R. ¬P(s) \iff s \not\in s\}

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