Set notation

Denoting a set as an object

When a set should refer to a an indivisible object, one typically denotes it by a single capital letter, e.g. A={1,2,3}A=\{1,2,3\}, and then AA can be used to stand for that set.

When referring to an arbitrary generic set, a typical notational choice is by the letter SS. When several sets are under consideration, first few capitals, A,B,CA, B, C, etc. are used.

Set-builder notation

Another form of extensional definition is set-builder notation, also called the set comprehension. It is a compact notation to describe a set, with the general sytax lookin like: X={exp:rule}X=\{exp:rule\}, with the colon, ":", (or sometimes, a pipe symbol, "|") standing for abstraction and being read as "such that".

For example: A={x:xZ,2x<32}A=\{x:x \in \mathbb{Z}, 2^x<32\} is read as "The set A contains all numbers of form two times x, such that x is an element of the integer set". One of the common abbreviations is to immediately specify the "type" of xx: A={xZ:2x<32}A=\{x \in \mathbb{Z}: 2^x<32\}

If the set comprehension contains more then one applicable rules, their relation can be spelled out in English or, more commonly, using logic symbols for negation (¬), conjunction (), disjunction ( or &), implication () and bijection (). Generally, predicate logic is used as a language to describe sets.

Definition by predicate

Elements of a set can be specified by a predicate i.e. in terms of a property (or properties) they possess.

Whether an object xx possesses a certain property PP is either true or false (in terms of classical logic), so it can be a subject of the propositional function P(x)P(x).

A set can be specified by a predicate function; S={x:P(x)}S=\{x:P(x)\}, means that SS is a set to whom each xx, which possesses a certain property PP, belongs; taht is, each xx for which P(x)P(x) is true.

Axiom of Extensionality

If X,YX,Y are sets then X=Y    (Z.ZX    ZY)X = Y \iff (\forall Z. Z \to X \iff Z \to Y)

meaning, if X and Y are sets, then, they are the same set iff they contain the same elements.

If and only if, iff: 1. if they are the same set, then they contain the same elements. 2. if they contain the same elements, then they are the same set.

Indexed sets

i=0nAi=A0A1An\bigcap_{i=0}^n A_i = A_0 \cap A_1 \cap \dots \cap A_n
i=0n+1Ai=i=0nAiAn+1\bigcap^{n+1}_{i=0} A_i = \bigcap_{i=0}^n A_i \cap A_{n+1}
i=0nAi=A0A1An\bigcup_{i=0}^n A_i = A_0 \cup A_1 \cup \dots \cup A_n

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