Faithful functor

A full functor is a functor that is surjective when restricted to each set of morphisms that have a given source and target.

A faithful functor is a functor that is injective when restricted to each set of morphisms that have a given source and target.

A fuly faithful functor is a functor that is bijective when restricted to each set of morphisms that have a given source and target.

Formal definitions

Explicitly, if C and D are (locally small) categories, and F : C → D is a functor from C to D. Then, for every pair of objects X and Y in C, the functor F induces a function

Fx,ʏ : HOMᴄ (X,Y) -> HOMᴅ (F(X), F(Y))

FX,Y ⁣:HomC(X,Y)HomD(F(X),F(Y))F_{X,Y} \colon \mathrm{Hom}_ {\mathcal C}(X,Y) \rightarrow \mathrm{Hom}_ {\mathcal D}(F(X),F(Y))

∀XY ∈ C, the functor F is

  • faithful if Fx,ʏ is injective

  • full if Fx,ʏ is surjective

  • fully faithful if Fx,ʏ is bijective

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