Index of arithmetic operations

Elementary operations

The 4 elementary arithmetic operations

  • (+) Addition

  • (-) Subtraction

  • (×) Multiplication

  • (÷) Division

All four basic operations are binary, having two operands, and they have the same general structure. Most elements that are engaged in these operations have been assigned the special names.

The general structure:

  • operation: operand1 operator operand2=result\textbf{operation:}\ operand_1\ \texttt{operator}\ operand_2 = result

  • binary operations may be denoted by: aba \star b

Naming scheme:

  • Addition

    • operation: addition (when binary), summation (when polyadic)

    • operand: addends (collective name)

    • first operand: addendum

    • second operand: addendum

    • result: sum

  • Subtraction

    • subtrahend

    • minuend

    • difference

  • Multiplication

    • multiplicand × multiplier = product

    • factor × factor = product

  • Division

    • denominator ÷ divisor = quotient

    • Euclidean division

      • denominator ÷ divisor = (quotient, remainder)

Addition (+)

term+termsummand+summandaddend+addendaugend+addend}=sum{ \displaystyle \scriptstyle \left. { \begin{matrix} \scriptstyle {\text{term}} & + & {\text{term}} \\ \scriptstyle{\text{summand}} & + & {\text{summand}} \\ \scriptstyle{\text{addend}} & + & {\text{addend}} \\ \scriptstyle{\text{augend}} & + & {\text{addend}} \end{matrix} } \right \} = } \scriptstyle{\text{sum}}

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