
Rewrite rules

The rewrite rules of the lambda calculus depend on the notion of substitution of an expression e1 for all free occurrences of an identifier x in an expression e2, which we denote by [e1/x]e2, meaning all bound x's are to be replaced with e1 in the body e2 (from whose view x's are free).

Most systems, including both the lambda calculus and predicate calculus, that utilize substitution on identifiers must be careful to avoid name conflicts, also called name captures.

To understand substitution we must first understand the notion of the free variables of an expression e, which we write as fv(e), and define by the following simple rules:

  1. fv(x) = {x}

  2. fv(e1 e2) = fv(e1) ∪ fv(e2)

  3. fv(λx.e) = fv(e) − {x}

The 1. rule says that an expr consisting solely of x has exactly that x as the free variable. The 2. rule is about lambda application of e1 to e2, and it states that the free vars are those in e1 and (union) those in e2. The 3. rule is about lambda abstraction, λx.e, and it syays that the free vars there are those in the body e, excluding (set difference) the var x itself, which is bound by the lambda, λx.

We say that x is free in e iff x ∈ fv(e).

The substitution [e1/x]e2 or [x ⟼ e1]e2 is defined inductively by

  1. [e/xᵢ]xⱼ = e (if i = j)

  • since the subscripts of var x are the same, the x is the same variable, so this can be simplified to [x ⟼ e]x = e

  • this is a term that repr an application of f to an arg e, (λx . x) e

  • it consists of

    • a lambda abstraction, f, the term on the left, i.e. (λx.x)

    • an argument, e, the term to the right of f

  • the crucial property of this form is that the expression representing the body of this lambda is the same as its formal parameter (e.g. λx.x), that is, both the abstraction's formal param and its body are the same variable.

  • this means that any arg e, to which this abstaction is applied, will produce the same argument e as the result.

  • in fact, in this form, the abstraction on the left must be an identity function, like λx.x, α-equivalent to any other identity function, λz.z.

  • the term repr the argument in this form can be any exp, and that same exp will be returned as the result of beta reduction.

  • (λx.x)e ~> e

  • (λxᵢ.xⱼ)e ~> e

  1. [e/xᵢ]xⱼ = xⱼ (if i ≠ j)

  • this is the form for a function that discards its parameter

  • (λ ~~> abc

  • (λxᵢ.xⱼ)e ~~> xⱼ

  1. [e₁/x](e₂ e₃) = ([e₁/x]e₂) ([e₁/x]e₃)

  • the form of lambda application: we replace param x in each expression by the arg e₁

  • (λ ~~> ([e/x]m) ([e/x]n)

  • (λx.(λy.xy)(λy.xy)) e ~~> (m/x) (n/x)

  1. e₁/xᵢ = λxⱼ.e₂ if i=j

  2. e₁/xᵢ = λxⱼ.[e₁/xᵢ]e₂ if i=j and xj ∈ fv(e1)

  3. e₁/xᵢ = λxₖ.e₁/xᵢ otherwise, where k = i, k = j, and xₖ ∈ fv(e₁) ∪ fv(e₂)

The process of substituting the arg A for free occurrences of the parameter p in the body B is denoted by B[p := A] or [p ⟼ A]B or [p/A]B, and it is defined recursively as follows:

  1. [p ⟼ A]pA (eta reduction) e.g. (λp.p)a ~> [p ⟼ a]p ~> p

  2. [p ⟼ B]aB (dropped param/arg) e.g. (λp.b)a ~> [p ⟼ a]b ~> b

  3. [p ⟼ A](M N)([p ⟼ A]M [p ⟼ A]N)

(λp. (λq. (p q) (λr. p q r))) a b c | [p ⟼ a](λq. (p q) (λr. p q r))
~> (λq. (a q) (λr. a q r)) c        | [q ⟼ b]((a q) (λr. a q r))
~> (a b) (λr. a b r) c              | [r ⟼ c](a b r)
~> (a b) (a b c)
  1. [x ⟼ N](λy . M)[x ⟼ N](λy . M)

η-conversion eta-reduction reduces a term to its point-free form.

f x y = g x y
 f x = g x
   f = g
  • going forward and reducing this redex, we get an eta-reduction: (λx.x) ee

  • going backward and expanding this redex, we get an eta-expansion, which is a way to bind a free variable: eλe. (λx.x) e

Simulation in the call-by-need lambda-calculus with letrec

The fundamental issue with locally named binders is the problem of name capture, that is, handling the issue when a substitution conflicts with the names of free variables, presenting the risk of erraneous name capture.

Substitution is the process of applying a lambda abstraction to a lambda term. It may be denoted explicitly by [x/a]E, meaning that we replace every occurance of x with a in E.


Substitution is a part of β-reduction process, that is, β-reduction may be complicated due to the risk of name capture.

Evaluation of a lambda term ((λx.e)a) proceeds by substitution of all free occurrences of the variable x in e with the lambda term (arg) a. A single substitution step is called a reduction.

We write the application of substitution in brackets before the expression it is to be applied over, [x/a]E maps the var x to var a in the body E.

Definition of substitution:

  1. [x/a]x = a η-conversion

  2. [x/a]y = y for x ≠ y

  3. [x/a]MN = ([x/a]M) ([x/a]N)

  4. [x/a]λx.M = λx.M

  5. [x/a]λy.M = λy.[x/a]M for x ≠ y ∧ y ∉ FV(a)

where FV(M) is the set of free vars in (a lambda expr) M.

The capture-avoiding substitution is substitution that procedes only if a variable to be substituted is not in the set of free variables of the substitution context; if it is, then we first rename it using a fresh name.


Replace every occurance of formal param p with the arg A in body B is usually denoted like this:

(λp.B)A ~~> [p/A]B

alternative notation:

(λp.B)A ~~> B[p:=A]

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