Number Theory: primer in numbers


  • number

  • mathematical object

  • mathematical primitive

  • axiom

  • abstract object

  • mathematical abstraction

  • mathematical notion

  • mathematical concept

  • mathematical representation

  • numeral

  • numeral system

  • positional numeral system

  • non-positional numeral system

  • place value

  • number base, radix

  • radix

  • zero as placeholder

  • decimal number representation

  • binary number representation

  • octal number representation

  • hexadecimal number representation

  • base32 number representation

  • base64 number representation

  • roman numerals

  • greek numerals

  • digit

  • bit

  • binary digit

  • amount

  • quantity

  • enumeration

  • counting

  • labelling

  • fundamental sets of numbers



Number is...

  • a concept, an idea

  • an abstract object without physical manifestation

  • mathematical concept

  • abstract mathematical object

  • expression of quantity

  • abstract representation of quantity

  • arithmetical value

    expressed in some way (word, symbol)

    representing a particular quantity

  • defininition of numbers is in terms of sets (as is everything else assuming set theory as the FOM)

  • Peano's axioms define β„• - the set of the natural numbers, stating that:

    • the number zero exists, βˆƒn.n=0

      • error: variable n ranges over as-of-yet undefined set β„•

      • error: = symbol not found

    • the number zero is a natural number, 0 ∈ β„•

    • there is

    • if the number n is a natural number, n ∈ β„•

      then so is the successor of n

Types of number

miriad divisions:

  • by type: nat, int, rat, real, complex

  • naturals:

    • prime vs composite

    • odd vs even

  • ints:

    • positive vs zero vs negative; nonnegative, nonpositive

  • numerous groups: fiendly, abundant, happy, ...

ordinal cardinal

Number representation

  • Representing numbers

    • in writing

    • in speach

    • in other forms of human communication (gesture, flags, lights, etc.)

    • in other interactions (forms, mediums, etc.); human-computer, computer

  • Symbolic (written) representations:

    • Positional numeral system

      • Hindu-Arabic symbols

      • binary digits: {T,βŠ₯} or {0,1} or {+5v,-5v}

    • Non-Positional numeral systems

      • Roman numerals: I,V,X,L,C,D,M

      • Formal definitions:

      • Lambda Calculus:

        • 0 := Ξ»sz.z

        • S := Ξ»nfx.f(nfx)

        • 1 := Ξ»

        • 2 := Ξ»sz.s(sz)

        • 3 := Ξ»sz.s(s(sz))

      • Sets:

        • 0 := βˆ…

        • S(n) := n U {n}

        • 1 := { βˆ… }

        • 2 := { βˆ…, {βˆ…} }

        • 3 := { βˆ…, {βˆ…}, {βˆ…,{βˆ…}} }

  • There is a sharp distinction betwen the properties of a number and the properties of its corresponding numerals.

  • In linguistics, a numeral, or number word, in the broadest sense is a word or phrase that describes a numerical quantity.

  • Representing numbers

  • A numeral is a written, agreed-upon symbol used to represent a number

  • numerals come in many shapes; they are organized into a particular set

  • a particular set of decimal numerals consists of the familiar numerals

  • decimal numbers use the Hindu-Arabic numeral symbols

  • dec numerals form a set of 10 elements, kind of numeric alphabet, {0..9}

numeral set

  • a depends on the numerals system used

Natural numbers

  • this subtitle is stylistic, "the" is missing

  • there are 2 "the" occurances:

    • the set of... (it is a unique set; "the" unique things, they're definite

    • the natural numbers (specific kind of numbers)

      β„• the set of the natural numbers

Last updated