Mathematical Logic: People and Events

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1870s Begriffsschrift Frege (1879)

1880s What are numbers? Dedekind (1888) Number-theoretic axioms Peano (1889)

1890s Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik Schröder (1890–1905) Grundgesetze der Arithmetik Frege (1893-1903) Formulario Mathematico Peano (1895-1901) Grundlagen der Geometrie Hilbert (1899)

1900s Diophantine problem Hilbert (1900) Russell's Paradox Russell (1901) Principles of Mathematics Russell (1903) Richar's Paradox Richard (1905) Theory of Types Russell (1908)

1910s Principia Mathematica Whitehead-Russell (1910-12-13) Calculus of relatives Löwenheim (1915)

1920s Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem Löwenheim-Skolem (1920) Propositional calculus completeness Post (1921) Monadic predicate calculus decidable Behmann (1922) Abstract proof rules Hertz (1922) Primitive recursive arithmetic Skolem (1923) Combinators Schönfinkel (1924) Function-based set theory von Neumann (1925) "Conceptual" undecidability Finsler (1926) Epsilon operator Hilbert-Bernays (1927) Combinators Curry (1927) Ackermann function Ackermann (1928) Entscheidungsproblem Hilbert-Ackermann (1928) Abriss der Logistik and Simple type theory Carnap (1929)

1930s Combinatory logic Curry (1930-32) Herbrand's Theorem Herbrand (1930) Completeness proof Gödel (1930) Partial consistency proof Herbrand (1931) Incompleteness Gödel (1931) Untyped λ-calculus (1932-33-41) Church Studies of primitive recursion, 1932-36 by Rózsa Péter (1905 – 1977) Non-standard models Skolem (1933) Functionality in Combinatory Logic Curry (1934) Grundlagen der Mathematik Hilbert-Bernays (1934-39) Natural deduction Gentzen (1934) Number-theoretic consistency & ε 0 -induction Gentzen (1934) Inconsistency of Church’s System Kleene-Rosser (1936) Confluence theorem Church-Rosser (1936) Finite combinatory processes Post (1936) Turing machines Turing (1936-37) Recursive undecidability Church-Turing (1936) General recursive functions Kleene (1936) Further completeness proofs Maltsev (1936) Improving incompleteness theorems Rosser (1936) Fixed-point combinator Turing (1937) Computability and λ-definability Turing (1937)

1940s Simple type theory & λ-calculus Church (1940) Primitive recursive functionals Gödel (1941-58) Recursive hierarchies Kleene (1943) Theory of categories Eilenberg-Mac Lane (1945) New completeness proofs Henkin (1949-50)

1950s Computing and Intelligence Turing (1950) Rethinking combinators Rosenbloom (1950) IAS Computer (MANIAC) von Neumann (1951) Introduction to Metamathematics Kleene (1952) IBM 701 Thomas Watson, Jr. (1952) Arithmetical predicates Kleene (1955) FORTRAN Backus et al. (1956-57) ALGOL 58 Bauer et al. (1958) LISP McCarthy (1958) Combinatory Logic. Volume I. Curry-Feys-Craig (1958) Adjoint functors Kan (1958) Recursive functionals & quantifiers, I.&II. Kleene (1959-63) Countable functionals Kleene-Kreisel (1959)

1960s Recursive procedures Dijkstra (1960) ALGOL 60 Backus et al. (1960) Elementary formal systems Smullyan (1961) Grothendieck topologies M.Artin (1962) Higher-type λ-definability Kleene (1962) Grothendieck topoi Grothendieck et al. SGA 4 (1963-64-72) CPL Strachey, et al. (1963) Functorial semantics Lawvere (1963) Continuations (1) van Wijngaarden (1964) Adjoint functors & triples Eilenberg-Moore (1965) •Cartesian closed categories• Eilenberg-Kelly (1966) ISWIM & SECD machine Landin (1966) CUCH & combinator programming Böhm (1966) New foundations of recursion theory Platek (1966) Normalization Theorem Tait (1967) AUTOMATH & dependent types de Bruijn (1967) Finite-type computable functionals Gandy (1967) ALGOL 68 van Wijngaarden (1968) Normal-form discrimination Böhm (1968) Category of sets Lawvere (1969) Typed domain logic Scott (1969-93) Domain-theoretic λ-models Scott (1969) Formulae-as-types Howard (1969 -1980) Adjointness in foundations Lawvere (1969)

1970s Continuations (2) Mazurkiewicz (1970) Continuations (3) F. Lockwood Morris (1970) Continuations (4) Wadsworth (1970) Categorical logic Joyal (1970+) Elementary topoi Lawvere-Tierney (1970) Denotational semantics Scott-Strachey (1970) Coherence in closed categories Kelly (1971) Quantifiers and sheaves Lawvere (1971) Martin-Löf type theory Martin-Löf (1971) System F, Fω Girard (1971) Logic for Computable Functions Milner (1972) From sheaves to logic Reyes (1974) Polymorphic λ-calculus Reynolds (1974) Call-by-name, call-by-value Plotkin (1975) Modeling Processes Milner (1975) SASL Turner (1975) Scheme Sussman-Steele (1975-80) Functional programming & FP Backus (1977) First-order categorical logic Makkai-Reyes (1977) Edinburgh LCF Milner et al. (1978) Let-polymorphic type inference Milner (1978) Intersection types Coppo-Dezani (1978) ML Milner et al. (1979) *-Autonomous categories Barr (1979) Sheaves and logic Fourman-Scott (1979)

1980s Frege structures Aczel (1980) HOPE Burstall et al. (1980) The Lambda Calculus Book Barendregt (1981-84) Structural Operational Semantics Plotkin (1981) Effective Topos Hyland (1982) Dependent types & modularity Burstall-Lampson (1984) Locally CCC & type theory Seely (1984) Calculus of Constructions Coquand-Huet (1985) Bounded quantification Cardelli-Wegner (1985) NUPRL Constable et al. (1986) Higher-order categorical logic Lambek-P.J.Scott (1986) Cambridge LCF Paulson (1987) Linear logic Girard et al. (1987-89) HOL Gordon (1988) FORSYTHE Reynolds (1988) Proofs and Types Girard et al. (1989) Integrating logical & categorical types Gray (1989) Computational λ-calculus & monads Moggi (1989)

1990s HASKELL Hudak-Hughes-Peyton Jones-Wadler (1990) Higher-type recursion theory Sacks (1990) STANDARD ML Milner, et al. (1990-97) Lazy λ-calculus Abramsky (1990) Higher-order subtyping Cardelli-Longo (1991) Categories, Types and Structure Asperti-Longo (1991) STANDARD ML of NJ MacQueen-Appel (1991-98) QUEST Cardelli (1991) Edinburgh LF Harper, et al. (1992) Pi-Calculus Milner-Parrow-Walker (1992) Categorical combinators Curien (1993) Translucent types & modular Harper-Lillibridge (1994) Full abstraction for PCF Hyland-Ong/Abramsky, et al. (1995) Algebraic set theory Joyal-Moerdijk (1995) Object Calculus Abadi-Cardelli (1996) Typed intermediate languages Tarditi, Morrisett, et al. (1996) Proof-carrying code Necula-Lee (1996) Computability and totality in domains Berger (1997) Typed assembly language Morrisett, et al. (1998) Type theory via exact categories Birkedal, et al. (1998) Categorification Baez (1998)

2000s Predicative topos Moerdijk-Palmgren (2000) Sketches of an Elephant Johnstone (2002+) Differential λ-calculus Ehrhard/Regnier (2003) Modular Structural Operational Semantics Mosses (2004) A λ-calculus for real analysis Taylor (2005+) Homotopy type theory Awodey-Warren (2006) Univalence axiom Voevodsky (2006+) The safe λ-calculus Ong, et al. (2007) Higher topos theory Lurie (2009)

2010s Functional Reactive Programming Hudak, et al. (2010) Univalent Foundations Program IAS & HoTT book Voevodsky, et al. (2012-13)

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