Substructural type systems

A substructural type system restricts one or more structural rules in order to control the number of times a value may be used.

Substructural type systems are useful for constraining access to system resources by keeping track of changes and preventing invalid states.

Structural rules

Exchange lemma:

  if Γ1, x1:T1, x2:T2, Γ2t:T then Γ1, x2:T2, x1:T1, Γ2t:T\quad \ \ \text{if }\quad Γ_{_1},\ x_1:T_{_1},\ x_2:T_{_2},\ Γ_{_2} \vdash t:T \\ \text{ then }\quad Γ_{_1},\ x_2:T_{_2},\ x_1:T_{_1},\ Γ_{_2} \vdash t:T

Weakening lemma:

  if  Γ1,Γ2t:Tthen  Γ1,x1:T1,Γ2t:T\quad \ \ \text{if }\ Γ_{_1},\quad \quad \quad Γ_2 \vdash t:T \\ \text{then }\ Γ_{_1}, x_1:T_{_1}, Γ_{_2} \vdash t:T

Contraction lemma:

  if  Γ1,x2:T1,x3:T1,Γ2t:T2then  Γ1,  x1:T1,Γ2[x2,x1][x3,x1]t:T2\quad \ \ \text{if }\ Γ_{_1}, x_2 : T_{_1}, x_3 :T_{_1}, Γ_{_2} \vdash t:T_{_2} \\ \text{then }\ Γ_{_1}, \quad \ \ x_1:T_{_1},\quad \quad Γ_{_2} \vdash [x_2,x_1][x_3,x_1]t:T_{_2}
  • Weakening

    where the hypotheses or conclusion of a sequent may be extended with additional members.

  • Contraction

    where two unifiable members on the same side of a sequent may be replaced by a single member or a common instance.

  • Exchange

    where two members on the same side of a sequent may be swapped.

  • Cut rule

    is a generalisation of the modus ponens. Although suspected merely a tool for abbreviating proofs, its superfluity is unproven.

With regards to most substructural type system, the rules of weakening and contraction are controlled. Restricting weakening means a value of the type may be used less than once, while restricting contraction allows a value of the type to be used more than once.

Substructural type systems:

  • Relevant: values of relavant types must be used at least once

  • Linear: values of linear types must be used exactly once

  • Affine: values of affine types can be used once

All the combinations of these properties gives us 4 interesting types: 1. can be used any number of times (default) 2. can't be used more than once (affine) 3. must be used at least once (relevant) 4. must be used exactly once (linear)

For added confusion, sometimes linear or affine is used as a synonym for the whole substructural system.

Structural Properties

Basic structural properties: 1. Weakening indicates that adding extra, unneeded assumptions to the context, does not prevent a term from type checking. 1. Exchange indicates that the order in which we write down variables in the context is irrelevant. A corollary of exchange is that if we can type check a term with the context Γ, then we can type check that term with any permutation of the variables in Γ. 1. Contraction states that if we can type check a term using two identical assumptions (x2:T1x_2:T_1 and x3:T1x_3:T_1) then we can check the same term using a single assumption.

Lemma [Exchange]: ifΓ1,x1:T1,x2:T2,Γ2t:T thenΓ1,x2:T2,x1:T1,Γ2t:T Lemma [Weakening]: ifΓ1, Γ2t:T thenΓ1,x1:T1,Γ2t:T Lemma [Contraction]: ifΓ1,x2:T1,x3:T1,Γ2t:T2 thenΓ1, x1:T1,Γ2[x2,x1][x3,x1]t:T2\text{Lemma [Exchange]: if}\\ Γ_{_1}, x_1:T_{_1}, x_2:T_{_2}, Γ_{_2} \vdash t:T \text{ then}\\ Γ_{_1}, x_2:T_{_2}, x_1:T_{_1}, Γ_{_2} \vdash t:T\\ \ \\ \text{Lemma [Weakening]: if}\\ Γ_{_1},\quad \quad \quad \ Γ_2 \vdash t:T \text{ then}\\ Γ_{_1}, x_1:T_{_1}, Γ_{_2} \vdash t:T\\ \ \\ \text{Lemma [Contraction]: if}\\ Γ_{_1}, x_2 : T_{_1}, x_3 :T_{_1}, Γ_{_2} \vdash t:T_{_2} \text{ then}\\ Γ_{_1}, \quad \ x_1:T_{_1},\quad \quad Γ_{_2} \vdash [x_2,x_1][x_3,x_1]t:T_{_2}

Substructural type systems that restrict certain properties:

  • Linear type systems ensure that every variable is used exactly once by restricting weakening and contraction.

  • Affine type systems ensure that every variable is used at most once by restricting contraction.

  • Relevant type systems ensure that every variable is used at least once by restricting weakening.

  • Ordered type systems ensure that every variable is used exactly once and in the order of declaration. Ordered type systems restrict all three structural properties.

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