Function type

A function type is different from other types: Int, for instance, is just a set of integers, Bool is a two element set, but a function type a -> b is more than that: it is a set of morphisms between objects a and b. A set of morphisms between two objects in any category is called a hom-set. It just so happens that in the category π—¦π—²π˜ every hom-set is itself an object in the same category because it is, after all, a set. The same is not true of other categories where hom-sets are external to a category. They are even called external hom-sets. It is the self-referential nature of the category π—¦π—²π˜ that makes function types special. But there is a way, at least in some categories, to construct objects that represent hom-sets. Such objects are called internal hom-sets.

Universal Construction

Let's forget for a moment that function types are sets and try to construct a function type, or more generally, an internal hom-set, from scratch. As usual, we'll take our cues from the Set category, but carefully avoid using any properties of sets, so that the construction will automatically work for other categories.

A function type may be considered a composite type because of its relation to the argument type and the result type. We've already seen the constructions of composite types - those that involved relations between objects. We used universal constructions to define a product type and a coproduct types. We can use the same approach to define a function type: we need a pattern that involves 3 objects: 1. the function type that we're constructing, a -> b 2. the argument type, a 3. the result type, b

The obvious pattern that connects these three types is called function application. Given a candidate for a function type, let's call it z (notice that, if we are not in the category Set, this is just an object like any other object), and the argument type a (an object), the application maps this pair to the result type b (an object). Similar to modus ponens: a -> b, a |- b.

app :: ⟨a -> b, a⟩ ⟼ b

So, we have 3 objects, and two of them are fixed (those representing the argument type and the result type).

We also have the application, which is a mapping. How do we incorporate this mapping into our pattern? If we were allowed to look inside objects, we could pair a function f ∈ z with an argument x ∈ a and map it to f x ∈ b.

In the π—¦π—²π˜ category, we can pick a function f from a set of functions z, and we can pick an argument x from the set/type a, and we get an element f x in the set/type b.

But instead of dealing with individual pairs (f, x), we can talk about the whole product of the function type z and the argument type a. The product zΓ—a is an object, and we can pick, as our application morphism, an arrow g from that object to b. In Set, g would be the function that maps every pair (f, x) to f x.

That is our pattern: a product of two objects z and a, linked to another object b by a morphism g.

z Γ— a ----g---> b

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