
MathWebSearch: Searching Math on the Web

All things number bases This website aims to explore integer number bases in terms of their elementary relationships with their digits, assessing these as facilitators of human arithmetic. The analyses employ digit maps, which serve as simple visual tools that synopsize these relationships.

Tutorials Point: Discrete Mathematics

discrete_mathematics Tutorial about the fundamental concepts of Sets, Relations and Functions; Mathematical Logic; Group theory; Counting Theory; Probability; Mathematical Induction and Recurrence Relations; Graph Theory and Trees; Boolean Algebra.

AoPS Wiki The AoPS Wiki project is administered by the Art of Problem Solving for supporting educational content useful to avid math students.

Apronus: math Geometry, Triangles, The Proof of Pythagoras' Theorem, Divisibility by Three Explained, real numbers, etc.

Proven math Everything proven from axioms. Mathematical project which states the foundations of mathematics and derives mathematical knowledge from these foundations. Every theorem on Provenmath is proved within the pages of Provenmath and can be traced down to the foundations. The content of Provenmath is self-contained. If you have found a theorem which interests you then you can be certain that you can also find a complete proof of this theorem.

Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem An Outline of the Proof of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem. We construct a statement in set theory such that it is not a theorem and its negation is not a theorem. What we show on this page is not a presentation of the proof that was written by Gödel himself. We present all the basic ideas that are necessary to understand what the theorem asserts and what it would take to write a proof.

Mathematics Course Material Available courses:

Mathematical Equations - EqWorld The World of Mathematical Equations. The EqWorld website is intended for researchers, university teachers, engineers, and students all over the world. It contains about 2000 webpages and is visited by over 3000 users a day (coming from 200 countries worldwide). All resources presented on this site are free to its users.

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