Sets: Summary

  • inclusion relation is reflexive, transitive, and anti-symmetric

  • proper inclusion relation is irreflexive, transitive, and asymmetric.

  • inclusion and proper inclusion relations have natural converses;

    A (properly) includes B iff B is (properly) included in A;

    alternatively, A is a (proper) superset of B

  • exclusion relation is symmetric and anti-reflexive

  • subset is an example of inclusion relation

  • inclusion relation is antisymmetric

  • set membership (belonging) is an example of membership relation

  • membership (elementhood) relation is reflexive

  • inclusion relation is transitive, membership relation is not

Relations: Summary

(x,y) ∈ R or xRy (x is "R-related" to y)

R: X -> Y

A relation RR from set XX (domain) to set YY (codomain), where xXx \in X and yYy \in Y, is denoted as (x,y)R(x,y) \in R or xRyxRy (x is R-related to y).

If the sets are equal, the Cartesian product, X×XX\times X, is denoted by X2X^2 and a relation is xRxxRx

A relation is a subset of the Cartesian product, RX×YR \subseteq X\times Y

A relation is an element of the powerset of the Cartesian product of sets, RP(X×Y)R \in \mathcal{P}(X\times Y)

Total number of relations of an n-element set with itself is P(X2)=2n2|\mathcal{P}(X^2)| = 2^{n^2}


  • Cardinality of the set X is denoted by X=n|X| = n

  • Cardinality of the powerset of the set X is P(X)=2X=2n|\mathcal{P}(X)| = 2^{|X|} = 2^n

  • Cardinality of the Cartasian product of the set X: X×X=X2=n2|X \times X| = |X^2| = n^2

  • Cardinality of the powerset of the Cartasian product of the set X is P(X2)=2(n2)|\mathcal{P}(X^2)| = 2^{(n^2)}

  • Each relation is a subset of the Cartasian product of the set X: RX2R \subseteq X^2

  • Each relation is an element in the powerset of the Cartasian product of the set X: RP(X2)R \in P(X^2)

  • Number of all possible relations on a X2X^2 set: P(X2)=2(n2)|\mathcal{P}(X^2)| = 2^{(n^2)}

  • standard set notation: curly braces for listing the elements explicitly

  • comprehensions: {x ∈ S |...}

  • for the empty set

  • S \ T for the set difference of S and T

  • cardinality of a set S is |S|

  • powerset of S i.e. the set of all the subsets of S, is P(S)

  • the set {0,1,2,3,4,5,...} of natural numbers is denoted by the symbol N

  • a set is countable if its elements can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers


  • An n-place relation on a collection of sets S1,S2,...,Sn

    is a set R ⊆ S1 × S2 ×...× Sn of tuples of elements S1 - Sn

  • the elements s1 ∈ S1 through sn ∈ Sn are related by R if (s1,...,sn) is an element of R

  • A one-place relation on a set S is called a predicate on S

  • P is true of an element s ∈ S if s ∈ P

  • we write P(s) instead of s ∈ P, regarding P as a function mapping elements of S to truth values

  • A two-place relation R on sets S and T is a binary relation

  • We write sRt instead of (s, t) ∈ R

  • if S and T are the same set U, then R is a binary relation on U

  • 3-place or more place relations are often written using a mixfix concrete syntax, where the elements in the relation are separated by a sequence of symbols that jointly constitute the name of the relation. For example, for the typing relation for the simply typed lambda calculus, we write Γ ⊢ s : T to mean the triple (Γ,s,T) is in the typing relation.

  • The domain of a relation R on sets S and T, written dom(R), is the set of elements s ∈ S such that (s, t) ∈ R for some t.

  • The codomain or range of R, written range(R), is the set of elements t ∈ T such that (s, t) ∈ R for some s


  • A relation R on sets S and T is called a partial function from S to T if, whenever (s, t1) ∈ R and (s, t2) ∈ R, we have t1 = t2.

  • If, in addition, dom(R) = S, then R is called a total function (or just function) from S to T.

  • A partial function R from S to T is said to be defined on an argument s ∈ S if s ∈ dom(R), and undefined otherwise.

  • We write f (x) ↑, or f (x) =↑, to mean f is undefined on x, and f (x)↓ to mean f is defined on x

  • we also need to define functions that may fail on some inputs, so it is important to distinguish failure (which is a legitimate, observable result) from divergence

  • a function that may fail can be either partial, i.e. it may also diverge, or total (it must always return a result or explicitly fail)

  • We write f(x)=fail when f returns a failure result on the input x.

  • Formally, a function from S to T that may also fail is actually a function

    from S to T ∪ {fail}, where we assume that fail does not belong to T.

  • Suppose R is a binary relation on a set S and P is a predicate on S. P is preserved by R if whenever we have sRs' and P(s), we also have P(s0).

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