Category Theory

Category Theory by Bartosz Milewski

Part One

Part Two

  • Declarative Programming

  • Limits and Colimits

  • Free Monoids

  • Representable Functors

  • The Yoneda Lemma

  • Yoneda Embedding

Part Three

  • It's All About Morphisms

  • Adjunctions

  • Free/Forgetful Adjunctions

  • Monads: Programmer's Definition

  • Monads and Effects

  • Monads Categorically

  • Comonads

  • F-Algebras

  • Algebras for Monads

  • Ends and Coends

  • Kan Extensions

  • Enriched Categories

  • Topoi

  • Lawvere Theories

  • Monads, Monoids, and Categories

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

PDF version

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