Initial Object

We define initial and terminal objects, which we shall use for describing algebras and initial algebras.

(Definition) Let π’ž be a category. An object 0 is the initial object of π’ž if, for all objects a, there is a unique morphism 0 β†’ a.

(Definition) Let π’ž be a category. An object 1 is the terminal object of π’ž if, for all objects a, there is a unique morphism a β†’ 1.

(Lemma) Initial and terminal objects are unique up to isomorphism.

(Proof) Let π’ž be a category with initial objects 0 and 0β€². There are unique morphisms 00β€² ∢ 0 β†’ 0β€² and 0β€²0 ∢ 0β€² β†’ 0, and 00 = id0 and 0β€² 0β€² = id0β€². Hence, 0β€²0 ∘ 00β€² = id0 and 00β€² ∘ 0β€²0 = id0β€². That is, 0 is unique up to isomorphism. Similarly, let π’ž be a category with terminal objects 1 and 1β€². There are unique morphisms 11β€² ∢ 1β€² β†’ 1 and 1β€²1 ∢ 1 β†’ 1β€², and 11 = id1 and 1β€²1β€² = id1β€². Hence, 11β€² ∘ 1β€²1 = id1 and 1β€²1 ∘ 11β€² = id1β€². That is, 1 is unique up to isomorphism.

In Hask, Void (the empty or uninhabited type) is the initial object, and unit or () type is the terminal object.

In Set, the elements of a set 𝐴 can be considered as functions from a terminal object, that is, any singleton set, to 𝐴. More specifically, if π‘₯ ∈ 𝐴 and 1 is a terminal object, then π‘₯ can be considered as a function π‘₯ ∢ 1 β†’ 𝐴 which assigns π‘₯ to the element of 1.

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