Hindley-Milner type-system


  1. Introduction

  2. Monomorphism vs. polymorphism

  3. Let-polymorphism

  4. The Hindley-Milner type system

3.1 Syntax 3.1.1 Monotypes 3.1.2 Polytypes 3.1.3 Context and typing 3.1.4 Free type variables 3.2 Type order 3.2.1 Principal type 3.2.2 Substitution in typings 3.3 Deductive system 3.3.1 Typing rules 3.4 Let-polymorphism 3.5 Generalization rule 4. An inference algorithm 4.1 Degrees of freedom choosing the rules 4.2 Syntax-directed rule system 4.3 Degrees of freedom instantiating the rules 4.4 Algorithm J 5. Proving the algorithm 5.1 Algorithm W 5.2 Proof obligations 6. Extensions 6.1 Recursive definitions 6.1.1 Typing rule 6.1.2 Consequences 6.2 Overloading 6.3 Higher-order types 6.4 Subtyping 7. References


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindley-Milner_type_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_inference


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