Mathematics Classification

About MCS


2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

The current 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC2010) is a revision of the MSC2000 that has been used by MR and Zbl since 2000. MSC2010 is the result of a collaborative effort by the editors of MR and Zbl to update their shared classification. These editors acknowledge the many helpful suggestions from the mathematical community during the revision process over more than two years.


Announcement of the plan to revise the Mathematics Subject Classification Mathematical Reviews (MR) and zbMATH cooperate in maintaining the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC), which is used by these reviewing services, publishers, and others to categorize items in the mathematical sciences literature.

The current version, MSC2010, consists of 63 areas classified with two digits refined into over 5000 three- and five-digit classifications.

Details of MSC2010 can be found at:




MSC2010 was a revision of the 2000 subject classification scheme developed through the collaborative efforts of the editors of zbMATH and MR with considerable input from the community. zbMATH and MR have initiated the process of revising MSC2010 with an expectation that the revision will be used beginning in 2020. From the perspective of MR and zbMATH, the five-digit classification scheme MSC is an extremely important device that allows editors and reviewers to process the literature. Users of the publications of zbMATH and MR employ the MSC to search the literature by subject area.

In the decade since the last revision, keyword searching has become increasingly prevalent, with remarkable improvements in searchable databases. Yet, the classification scheme remains important. Many publishers use the subject classes at either the time of submission of an article, as an aid to the editors, or at the time of publication, as an aid to readers. The arXiv uses author-supplied MSC codes to classify submissions, and as an option in creating alerts for the daily listings. Browsing the MR or zbMATH database using a two- or three-digit classification search is an effective method of keeping up with research in specific areas.

Based in part on some thoughtful suggestions from members of the community, the editors of MR and zbMATH have given preliminary consideration to the scope of the revision of the MSC. We do not foresee any changes at the two-digit level; however, it is anticipated that there will be refinement of the three- and five-digit levels.

Last updated