
  • A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100

  • It is often denoted using the percent sign, %.

  • A percentage is a dimensionless or pure number.

  • 45% (read "forty-five percent") = 45/100 = 45:100 = 0.45

  • Percentages are often used to express a proportionate part of a total.

  • the term "percent" is derived from the Latin per centum "by the hundred"

  • the percent symbol evolved by gradual contraction of the Italian per cento "for a hundred". "per" was often abbreviated as "p." and eventually disappeared; "cento" was contracted to two circles separated by a horizontal line, which evolved into the modern symbol.

Parts per 10i10^i where i={2,3,4}i=\{2,3,4\}

  • %\% indicates parts per hundred, 10210^2 % (percent), ﹪ % %

  • indicates parts per thousand, 10310^3

    • spelled: per mil, per mill, permil, permill, permille, promille

  • indicates parts per ten thousand, 10410^4

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