Taxonomy: Mathematics

Computing Research Repository (CoRR) style

math.AG - Algebraic Geometry

  • Algebraic varieties

  • stacks

  • sheaves

  • schemes

  • moduli spaces

  • complex geometry

  • quantum cohomology (subsumes alg-geom)

math.AT - Algebraic Topology

  • Homotopy theory

  • homological algebra

  • algebraic treatments of manifolds

math.AP - Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (PDE)

  • Existence and uniqueness

  • boundary conditions

  • linear and non-linear operators

  • stability

  • soliton theory

  • integrable PDE's

  • conservation laws

  • qualitative dynamics

math.CT - Category Theory

  • Enriched categories

  • topoi

  • abelian categories

  • monoidal categories

  • homological algebra

math.CA - Classical Analysis and ODEs

  • Special functions

  • orthogonal polynomials

  • harmonic analysis

  • ODE's

  • differential relations

  • calculus of variations

  • approximations

  • expansions

  • asymptotics

math.CO - Combinatorics

  • Discrete mathematics

  • graph theory

  • enumeration

  • combinatorial optimization

  • Ramsey theory

  • combinatorial game theory

math.AC - Commutative Algebra

  • Commutative rings

  • modules

  • ideals

  • homological algebra

  • computational aspects

  • invariant theory

  • connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics

math.CV - Complex Variables

  • Holomorphic functions

  • automorphic group actions and forms

  • pseudoconvexity

  • complex geometry

  • analytic spaces

  • analytic sheaves

math.DG - Differential Geometry

  • Complex

  • contact

  • Riemannian

  • pseudo-Riemannian and Finsler geometry

  • relativity

  • gauge theory

  • global analysis (subsumes dg-ga)

math.DS - Dynamical Systems

  • Dynamics of differential equations and flows

  • mechanics

  • classical few-body problems

  • iterations

  • complex dynamics

  • delayed differential equations

math.FA - Functional Analysis

  • Banach spaces

  • function spaces

  • real functions

  • integral transforms

  • theory of distributions

  • measure theory (subsumes funct-an)

math.GM - General Mathematics

  • Mathematical material of general interest

  • topics not covered elsewhere

math.GN - General Topology

  • Continuum theory

  • point-set topology

  • spaces with algebraic structure

  • foundations

  • dimension theory

  • local and global properties

math.GT - Geometric Topology

  • Manifolds

  • orbifolds

  • polyhedra

  • cell complexes

  • foliations

  • geometric structures

math.GR - Group Theory

  • Finite groups

  • topological groups

  • representation theory

  • cohomology

  • classification and structure

math.HO - History and Overview

  • Biographies

  • philosophy of mathematics

  • mathematics education

  • recreational mathematics

  • communication of mathematics

math.IT - Information Theory math.IT is an alias for cs.IT. Covers theoretical and experimental aspects of information theory and coding.

math.KT - K-Theory and Homology

  • Algebraic and topological K-theory

  • relations with topology

  • commutative algebra

  • and operator algebras

math.LO - Logic

  • Logic

  • set theory

  • point-set topology

  • formal mathematics

math.MP - Mathematical Physics

  • Mathematical methods in quantum field theory

  • quantum mechanics

  • statistical mechanics

  • condensed matter

  • nuclear and atomic physics

math.MG - Metric Geometry

  • Euclidean

  • hyperbolic

  • discrete

  • convex

  • coarse geometry

  • comparisons in Riemannian geometry

  • symmetric spaces

math.NT - Number Theory

  • Prime numbers

  • Diophantine equations

  • Analytic number theory

  • Algebraic number theory

  • Arithmetic geometry

  • Galois theory

math.NA - Numerical Analysis

  • Numerical algorithms for problems in analysis and algebra

  • Scientific computation

math.OA - Operator Algebras

  • Algebras of operators on Hilbert space

  • C^*-algebras

  • von Neumann algebras

  • non-commutative geometry

math.OC - Optimization and Control

  • Operations research

  • linear programming

  • control theory

  • systems theory

  • optimal control

  • game theory

math.PR - Probability

  • theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems

  • large deviations

  • stochastic differential equations

  • models from statistical mechanics

  • queuing theory

math.QA - Quantum Algebra

  • Quantum groups

  • skein theories

  • operadic and diagrammatic algebra

  • quantum field theory (subsumes q-alg)

math.RT - Representation Theory

  • Linear representations of algebras and groups

  • Lie theory

  • associative algebras

  • multilinear algebra

math.RA - Rings and Algebras

  • Non-commutative rings and algebras

  • non-associative algebras

  • universal algebra and lattice theory

  • linear algebra

  • semigroups

math.SP - Spectral Theory

  • Schrodinger operators

  • operators on manifolds

  • general differential operators

  • numerical studies

  • integral operators

  • discrete models

  • resonances

  • non-self-adjoint operators

  • random operators/matrices

math.ST - Statistics Theory math.ST is an alias for stat.TH

  • Applied

  • computational and theoretical statistics: e.g. statistical inference

  • regression

  • time series

  • multivariate analysis

  • data analysis

  • Markov chain Monte Carlo

  • design of experiments

  • case studies

math.SG - Symplectic Geometry

  • Hamiltonian systems

  • symplectic flows

  • classical integrable systems

Last updated