Scott encoding

In an encoding, the data and operators form a mathematical structure which is embedded in the LC.

Scott encoding is a way to represent recursive data types in the LC. Whereas Church encoding starts with representations of the basic data types, and builds up from it, Scott encoding starts from the simplest method to compose algebraic data types (ADT).

Mogensen-Scott encoding extends and slightly modifies Scott encoding by applying the encoding to meta-programming. This encoding allows the representation of LC terms, as data, to be operated on by a meta program.

Scott encoding appears first in a set of unpublished lecture notes by Dana Scott whose first citation occurs in the book "Combinatorial Logic, Volume II".

Michel Parigot gave a logical interpretation of and strongly normalizing recursor for Scott-encoded numerals, referring to them as the "Stack type" representation of numbers. Torben Mogensen later extended Scott encoding for the encoding of Lambda terms as data.

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