Outline of category theory

Category theory

  • Concepts

    • category

    • functor

    • natural transformation

    • Cat

  • Universal constructions

    • universal construction

    • representable functor

    • adjoint functor

    • limit

    • colimit

    • weighted limit

    • end

    • coend

    • Kan extension

  • Theorems

    • Yoneda lemma

    • Isbell duality

    • Grothendieck construction

    • adjoint functor theorem

    • monadicity theorem

    • adjoint lifting theorem

    • Tannaka duality

    • Gabriel-Ulmer duality

    • small object argument

    • Freyd-Mitchell embedding theorem

    • relation between type theory and category theory

  • Extensions

    • sheaf and topos theory

    • enriched category theory

    • higher category theory

  • Applications

    • applications of (higher) category theory

Last updated