Division of functions

All properties of functions

  • wrt relations

    • functional relation

    • relations that are left-unique and right-serial

    • Fn ⊆ Rel ⊆ Dom⨯Cod (elements are ordered pairs)

    • a rel R: xRy ≡ (x,y) ∈ R, R = {(x,y) | x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ B}

  • by involved sets

    • domain

      • preimage

    • codomain

      • range

      • image

  • by injectivity

    • (a relation ↓)

    • (a function ↓)

    • surjection ↓ onto

    • injection ↓ one-to-one

    • bijection ↓ one-to-one correspondence

  • by totality

    • total functions

    • partial functions

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