Church-Turing Thesis
Church-Turing Thesis, AKA
Computability Thesis
Church-Turing conjecture
Church's (hypo)thesis/conjecture on computability
Turing's thesis
Church-Turing thesis is a mathematically unprovable belief that a reasonable intuitive definition of computability is equivalent to the list of provably equivalent formal models of computation, and, intuitively, what is computable by a computer program written in any reasonable PL.
Turing machine
Lambda Calculus
Post Formal System
Partial Recursive Functions
Unrestricted Grammar
Recursively Enumerable Language
Church-Turing Thesis is a hypothesis about the nature of computable functions that states that a function on the natural numbers can be calculated by an effective method iff it is computable by a Turing machine.
Before the precise definition of computable function, mathematicians often used the informal term effectively calculable to describe functions that are computable by paper-and-pencil methods.
In the 1930s, several independent attempts were made to formalize the notion of computability:
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