Linear logic

  • In classical logic, φ ⊢ ψ means that given the truth of φ, you can conclude that ψ is true. Once you have proven that ψ is true, that has no bearing on the truth of φ: that premise is still true just as it ever was. For example, if you have 3 premises A -> B, A -> C, A, you can prove B and C by reusing A premise. So, it is possible to derive: A -> B, A -> C, A ⊢ B ∨ C.

  • Linear logic is a type of substructural logic, proposed by Jean-Yves Girard, that restricts the reusing aspect of classical logic wrt premises. In linear logic, each premise must be used exactly once to construct the conclusion (it must be used, and it must be used only once).

  • Ideas from linear logic have been influential in design of PLs because of its emphasis on the restriction of resources, duality and interaction.

  • In proof theory, linear logic derives from an analysis of classical sequent calculus in which the use of structural rules of contraction and weakening are carefully controlled.

  • Operationally, this means that logical deduction is no longer merely about collecting persistent "truths", but it is also a way of manipulating resources that cannot freely be duplicated or thrown away.

  • In terms of simple denotational models, linear logic may be seen as refining the interpretation of intuitionistic logic by replacing cartesian closed categories by symmetric monoidal categories, or the interpretation of classical logic by replacing Boolean algebras by C*-algebras.

  • Linear logic is useful for reasoning about resources for each hypothesis must be used exactly once.

  • Linear types introduce the new "lollipop" arrow, (latex: \multimap)

Syntax          Meaning

F := FF      α and β hold simultaneously, α ⊗ β
   | 1          nothing holds
   | F & F      α and β hold but not necessarily simultaneously, α & β
   | ⊤          tautology
   | FF      α and β hold, α ⊕ β
   | 0          absurdity
   | FF      if α holds then β holds, α ⊸ β
   | !F         α holds arbitrarily often, !α

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