Theory of Computation: HIERARCHY

  • TOC subfields

    • Theory of computation (general)

    • Automata theory

    • Formal languages

    • Computability theory, Recursion theory

    • Complexity theory

  • TOC: general

    • limits of computation

    • efficiency of algorithms

    • efficient computing method

    • Turing thesis

    • Church thesis

    • Church-Turing thesis

    • abstract machine

    • virtual machine

  • Automata theory

    • automata and recognized language correspondance

    • finite state machines (FSM)

      • finite automata (FA)

      • deterministic finite automata (DFA)

      • nondeterministic finite automata (NDFA)

      • NFA to DFA conversion

      • NFA to DFA equivalence

      • Mealy Machine

      • Moore Machine

    • Pushdown automata

    • Pushdown automata (with extras)

    • Turing machine

  • Turing machines

    • Turing machine (TM)

    • Universal Turing machine (UTM)

  • Formal languages

    • formal language

      • symbols

      • alphabet

      • strings

      • well-formed strings

      • grammar

      • rewrite rules

    • regular expression

    • context free language (CFL)

    • context free grammar (CFG)

    • context dependent language

  • Computability Theory, Recursion theory

    • Models of computation

    • Primitive Recursion theory

    • Computation by abstract devices

    • Halting Problem

    • Decidability

    • Tractability

  • Complexity Theory

    • Analysis of algorithms

    • Numerical algorithms

    • Non-numerical algorithms

    • Complexity of algorithms

    • Tradeoffs between complexity measures

  • Models of computation

    • Turing machine

    • Lambda calculus

    • Combinatory logic

    • SKI calculus

    • Post-Turing machine

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