
Monad is an endofunctor equipped with two natural transformations.

The endofunctor is typically labelled with T (type ctor) and the two natural transformations are labelled with η (return) and μ (join).

Both join and return are polymorphic functions, so we can guess that they correspond to natural transformations.

A monad is an endofunctor T equipped with two natural transformations η and μ.

T is an endofunctor, T : 𝒞 -> 𝒞. In Haskell, T is a type ctor, T a, that has a type variable a because it takes a type a to produce a T a. A value of type T a can be considered as a value in a context (e.g. Maybe a).

-- in general
data T a = ...

-- concrete example with T = Maybe
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

-- concrete example with T = List
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

eta, η : a -> T a, corresponds to Haskell's return :: a -> t a function that takes some value of type a and places in it a context t, producing a value t a.

-- in general
return :: a -> T a

-- concrete example with T = Maybe
return :: a -> Maybe a
return x = Just x

-- concrete example with T = List = []
return :: a -> List a
return x = Cons x Nil -- [x]

mu, μ : T (T a) corresponds to Haskell's join :: t (t a) -> t a function that can flatten (literalize) a nested structure/context of T's (e.g. list of lists, stream of streams, set of sets, etc.).

-- in general
join :: T (T a) -> T a

-- concrete example with T = Maybe
join :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
join Nothing = Nothing
join (Just m) = m

-- concrete example with T = List = []
-- join flattens a list of lists
join :: [[a]] -> [a]
join [] = []
join (xs:xss) = xs <> join xss
t a <-------------- a
  |                 |
  |                 |
η |                 | η
  |                 |
  ↓                 ↓
t (t a) -----------> t a

μ is a natural transformation from the square of the functor back to T. The square is simply the functor composed with itself, T ∘ T (we can only do this kind of squaring for endofunctors).

μ :: T² -> T

The component of the natural transformation μ, at an object a, is the morphism (which, in 𝗛𝗮𝘀𝗸, translates directly to the definition of join):

μₐ :: T (T a) -> T a

η is a natural transformation between the identity functor I and T:

η :: I -> T

Considering that the action of I on an object a is just a, the component of the natural transformation η, at an object a, is the morphism (which, in 𝗛𝗮𝘀𝗸, translates directly to the definition of return):

ηₐ :: a -> T a

These natural transformations must satisfy some additional laws. One way of looking at it is that these laws let us define a Kleisli category for the endofunctor T.

A Kleisli arrow between a and b is defined as the morphism a -> T b. The composition of two such arrows (denoted with ∘ͭ or ∘ₜ, or ∘ᵗ) can be implemented using μ:

g ͭ f = μᶜ    (T g)        f       -- in CT
g . f = join . (return g) . f       -- in Haskell

-- where
f :: a -> T b
g :: b -> T c

(>=>) :: (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
f >=> g = join . fmap g . f
-- i.e.
(f >=> g) a = join (fmap g (f a))

Here T, being a functor, can be applied to the morphism g. It might be easier to recognize this formula in Haskell notation:

(f >=> g) a = join (fmap g (f a))

In terms of the algebraic interpretation, we are just composing two successive substitutions.

For Kleisli arrows to form a category we want their composition to be associative, and ηₐ to be the identity Kleisli arrow at a.

This requirement can be translated to monadic laws for μ and η. But there is another way of deriving these laws that makes them look more like monoid laws. In fact, μ is often called multiplication and η unit.

Roughly speaking, the associativity law states that the two ways of reducing the cube down to T must give the same result.

Two (left and right) unit laws state that when η is applied to T and then reduced by μ, we get back T:

μ (η T) = T

join (return (T a)) = T a

join . return T = T

This is the composition of natural transformations and functors, the so-called horizontal composition.

For instance, can be seen as a composition, T³ = T ∘ T². We can apply to it the horizontal composition of two natural transformations Iᴛ ∘ μ and get T ∘ T, which can be further reduced to T by applying μ.

Iᴛ : T -> T is the identity natural transformation from T to T.

You will often see the notation for this type of horizontal composition Iᴛ ∘ μ shortened to T ∘ μ The shortened is unambiguous because it makes no sense to compose a functor with a natural transformation, therefore T must mean Iᴛ in this context.

  • We can also draw the diagram in the (endo-) functor category [C, C]:

| T ∘ μ
↓       μ
T² ----------> T
  • Alternatively, we can treat as the composition of T² ∘ T and apply μ ∘ T to it. The result is also T ∘ T which, again, can be reduced to T using μ. We require that the two paths produce the same result.

        μ ∘ T
T³ ---------------> T²
  |                 |
  |                 |
  |T ∘ μ            | μ
  |                 |
  ↓                 ↓
T² ----------------> T
  • Similarly, we can apply the horizontal composition η ∘ T to the composition of the identity functor I after T to obtain I ∘ T = T², which can then be reduced using μ. The result should be the same as if we applied the identity natural transformation directly to T. And, by analogy, the same should be true for T ∘ η. The laws guarantee that the composition of Kleisli arrows indeed satisfies the laws of a category.

          μ ∘ T              T ∘ μ
I ∘ T --------------> T² <-------------- T ∘ I
      .               |              .
          .           | μ        .
               .      |      .
                   ↘  ↓  ↙

The similarities between a monad and a monoid are striking: we have multiplication μ, unit η, associativity, and unit laws.

However, this definition of a monoid is too narrow to describe a monad as a monoid - for that we must generalize the notion of a monoid.

(cntd. in Monoidal Categories)

Last updated