Set equivalence

If no unpaired element remains, such pairing of elements from two sets is called one-to-one (1-1) or correspondence.



The study of cardinality is often called equinumerosity (equalness-of-number); the terms equipollence (equalness-of-strength) and equipotence (equalness-of-power) are also used.

Equinumerosity has the characteristic properties of an equivalence relation i.e. reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity.

Reflexivity Given a set A, the identity function on A is a bijection from A to itself, showing that every set A is equinumerous to itself: A ~ A.

Symmetry For every bijection between two sets A and B there exists an inverse function which is a bijection between B and A, implying that if a set A is equinumerous to a set B then B is also equinumerous to A: A ~ B implies B ~ A.

Transitivity Given three sets A, B and C with two bijections f : A → B and g : B → C, the composition g ∘ f of these bijections is a bijection from A to C, so if A and B are equinumerous and B and C are equinumerous then A and C are equinumerous: A ~ B and B ~ C together imply A ~ C.

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