Logic formulas concerning relations

A relation is a set of ordered pairs.

Let R be a relation, let X and Y be sets, then a relation R between sets X and Y is a set R of ordered pairs R = { (x,y) | x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y }

(x,y) ∈ R or xRy or R(x,y) or Rxy

A relation 𝓑 on a set β„•: β„•Β² = β„• β¨― β„• = { (n,m) | βˆ€n,m ∈ β„• }

𝓑<= = { (n,m) ∈ β„•Β² | n <= m }

When considering relations and functions, we have to acknowledge two sets: a domain, a set A, and a codomain, a set B, possibly the same set, A = B.

The total relation (the only one) is a type of relation between sets that is equal to their dot product, A β¨― B. The empty relation (the only one) between sets A and B is equal to the empty set, βˆ…. All other relations are somewhere in between these two extremes.

A relation R is a subset of the dot product between sets A and B, R βŠ† A β¨― B

The total relation is a subset i.e. equal to their dot product, Rα΅— = A β¨― B. All other relations are proper subsets of their dot product, R βŠ‚ A β¨― B.

R βŠ† A β¨― B any rel is a subset of the dot product Rα΅— = A β¨― B total rel is the dot product Rᡉ = βˆ… empty rel is the empty set Rα΅’ βŠ‚ A β¨― B any other rel is a proper subset of the dot product

If A is a set, then βŠ† is a relation on π“Ÿ(A)

The notions of domain and codomain are ambiguous. Ther should be a domian set A and a codomain set B. A rel R between them might only touch a subset of elements in each, but then a relation R is a triple of domain, codomain and the ordered pairs that make up the relation, 𝓑 = (A, B, R).

Some authors have a different take, defining a domain of a rel as the set made out of all the first components of the ordered pairs that constitute a relation. However, they don't have a name for the original "source" set; similarly for the codomain.

  • pre(𝓑) = { x | βˆƒy.xRy }

  • img(𝓑) = { y | βˆƒx.xRy }

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