Index of relations

  • relations and arity

    • unary relation is a property

    • binary is the most common

    • ternary relation

    • n-ary relation

  • relations (generity)

    • homogeneous

    • heterogeneous

  • relations (axioms)

    • reflexivity

    • symmetry

    • transitivity

  • relations (sorts)

    • reflexivity

      • reflexive relation

      • irreflexive relation

      • antireflexive relation

      • quasireflexive relation

      • (non variants)

    • symmetry

      • symmetric relation

      • asymmetric relation

      • antisymmetric relation

      • (non variants)

    • transitivity

      • transitive relation

      • antitransitive relation

      • (non variants)

    • equivalence relation

    • congruence relation

    • functional

    • uniqueness

      • left-unique

    • serial

      • right-serial

    • trichotomy

One-to-Many Relation A one-to-many relation is also referred to as: an injective relation a left-unique relation a single-rooted relation a one-many correspondence

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