Regular Language
Let X be a set. The set of sequences over X, called X∗, is defined as follows:
ϵ is a sequence, called the empty sequence
if xs is a sequence and x ∈ X, then x:xs is also a sequence
nothing else is a sequence
Letters from the beginning of the alphabet represent single symbols (a,b,c), and letters from the end of the alphabet represent sequences of symbols (x,y,z).
𝚲 𝛌 𝜀 𝚺∗ 𝛙 𝛗 𝛔 𝓍
symbols 𝓪𝓫𝓬𝓭𝓮𝓍𝔂𝓏
single symbols, 𝓪 𝓫 𝓬 𝓭 𝓮
sequence of symbols, 𝓍 𝔂 𝓏
𝜀 the empty sequence
𝚺 alphabet (finite set)
𝚺∗ infinite set of all possible sequences over an alphabet 𝚺
𝚲 language, 𝚲 ⊆ 𝚺∗ for an alphabet 𝚺
𝚲ʳ complement of 𝚲 language, 𝚲ʳ = {𝓍|𝓍 ∈ 𝚺∗, 𝓍 ∉ 𝚲}
𝛔 sentence, 𝛔 ∈ 𝚲
predicate/property 𝛙(𝚲) = ∀𝓍.𝓍 ∈ 𝚲 -> 𝛙(𝓍) such that 𝚲 ⊆ 𝛙
is a finite set of symbolsT∗
is infinite set of all possible sequences over an alphabetT
is a subset ofT∗
,L ⊆ T∗
, for the alphabetT
is an element of a language,s ∈ L
alphabet, T
binary = {0,1}
digits = {0..9}
English = {a..z} =
languages L over the alphabet T
= {course, practice, exam} is a language over the English alphabetl
"exam" is a sentence in the language
over the English alphabetl
The question is now how to specify a language. Since a language is a set, we immediately recognize 3 options:
enumerate all the elements of the set explicitly
characterise the elements of the set by means of a predicate
define which elements belong to the set by means of induction
Examples of the second approach:
the even natural numbers {n | n ∈ {0..9}∗, n mod 2 = 0}
, the palindromes over the alphabet Σ={a,b,c}: {s|s ∈ Σ∗, s=sʳ}where sʳ denotes the reverse of sequence s.
One of the fundamental differences between the predicative and the inductive approach to defining a language is that the inductive approach is constructive, i.e. it provides us with a way to enumerate all elements of a language.
If we define a language by means of a predicate, we only have a means to determine whether or not an element belongs to a language. A famous example of a language which is easily defined in a predicative way, but for which the membership test is very hard, is the set of prime numbers.
Quite often we want to prove that a language L
, which is defined by means of an inductive definition, has some property P
. If P
is of the form
P(L) = ∀x.x ∈ L -> P(x)
, then we want to prove that L ⊆ P
Since languages are sets the usual set operators may be used to construct new languages from existing ones. The complement of a language L
over an alphabet T
is defined by Lʳ = {x|x ∈ T∗, x ∉ L}
Language operations
Let L and M be languages over the same alphabet T, then
Lᶜ = T∗ − L complement of L
Lʶ = { sʶ | s ∈ L} reverse of L
LM = { st | s ∈ L, t ∈ M} concatenation of L and M
L⁰ = {ϵ} 0ᵗʰ power of L
Lⁿ = L × L × ... × L nᵗʰ power of L
L∗ = L⁰ ⋃ L¹ ⋃ L² ⋃ ... star − closure of L
Lᐩ = L¹ ⋃ L² ⋃ ... positive closure of L
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