Relation algebra

In mathematics and abstract algebra, a relation algebra is a residuated Boolean algebra expanded with an involution called converse (unary operation).

The motivating example of a relation algebra is the algebra 2↑X² of all binary relations on a set X, that is, subsets of the cartesian square , with R • S interpreted as the usual composition of binary relations R and S, and with the converse of R as the converse relation.

  • Relation algebra emerged in the 19th-century work of Augustus De Morgan and Charles Peirce, which culminated in the algebraic logic of Ernst Schröder.

  • The equational form of relation algebra was developed by Alfred Tarski and his students, starting in the 1940s.

  • Tarski and Givant (1987) applied relation algebra to a variable-free treatment of axiomatic set theory, with the implication that mathematics founded on set theory could itself be conducted without variables.

A relation algebra (𝙇, ∧, ∨, ⁻, 0, 1, •, ˘, 𝑰) is an algebraic structure equipped with the Boolean operations of

  • conjunction x ∧ y

  • disjunction x ∨ y

  • negation x⁻

  • Boolean constant 0

  • Boolean constant 1

  • relational operation of composition x • y

  • relational operation of converse

  • relational constant I

such that these operations and constants satisfy certain equations constituting an axiomatization of a calculus of relations.

Roughly, a relation algebra is to a system of binary relations on a set containing the empty (0), complete (1), and identity (I) relations and closed under these 5 operations as a group is to a system of permutations of a set containing the identity permutation and closed under composition and inverse.

However, the first order theory of relation algebras is not complete for such systems of binary relations.

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