Types of relations

  • Any relation is a subset of the Cartesian product of two sets, RβŠ†XΓ—YR \subseteq X\times Y

  • Any relation is an element in the powerset of the dot product of two sets, R∈P(XΓ—Y)R \in \mathcal{P}(X\times Y)

  • Total number of relations of an n-element set with itself is 2n22^{n^2}


  • any: L

  • inverse, L'

  • empty: E,

  • non-empty: R

  • universal, U

  • identity, Id: Re


  • null relation

  • full relation

  • Reflexivity

    • reflefive, Re: Id+

    • non-reflefive, !Re

    • irreflefive, iR

    • non-irreflefive, !iR

    • coreflexive, cR

    • non-coreflexive, !cR

  • Symmerty

    • symmertic, Sy

    • non-symmertic, !Sy

    • anti-symmertic, vS

    • non-antisymmertic, !vS

    • asymmertic, aS

    • non-asymmertic, !aS

  • Transitivity

    • transitive, Tr

    • non-transitive, !Tr

  • reflexive: Sy+Tr+Serial

  • equivalence, EQ = Re+Sy+Tr

  • partial equivalence, pEQ: Sy+Tr

  • partial order: pOrd = Re+vS+Tr

  • linear (total) order: partial order that is total, Re+vS+Tr+

  • linear (total) order: partial order that is total, Re+vS+Tr+Total

  • well-order: linear order where every non-empty subset has a least element.

  • The relationship of one set being a subset of another is called inclusion or sometimes containment.

Some important types of binary relations RR between two sets XX and YY (to emphasize that XX and YY can be different sets, some authors call these heterogeneous relations):

Basic relations

  • Empty relation between two sets is the empty set

  • Full relation: the Cartesian product between two sets

  • Identity relation on a set X2X^2 is RId={(x,x):x∈R}R_{Id} = \{(x,x):x\in R\}

  • Inverse relation, Rβ€²R', of a relation RR is Rβ€²={(y,x):(x,y)∈R}R'=\{(y,x):(x,y)\in R\}.

Types of relations

  • Reflexive

  • Irreflexive

  • Coreflexive

  • Symmetric

  • Antisymmetric

  • Asymmetric

  • Transitive

Compound relations

  • Equivalence

the "is greater than", "is equal to", and "divides" relations in arithmetic; the "is congruent to" relation in geometry; the "is adjacent to" relation in graph theory; the "is orthogonal to" relation in linear algebra.

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