Fixed-point combinator

Y := λf. (λx. f (x x)) (λx. f (x x))

  • In math, a fixed point of a function is a value that is mapped to itself by the function, f(x) = x. In general, f(x) = y so a fixed point is when x = y.

  • Some functions have none, some have one, some have more fixed points, but the identity function is an extreme since any input is a fixed point, id(x) = x.

  • An example of a function with a single fixed point is sq(x) = x² whose domain is ℕ; its only fixed point is at x = 1 such that sq(1) = 1.

  • In combinatory logic, a fixpoint combinator, is a HOF called fix that finds a fixed point of the input argument function.

  • In fact, H. Curry has shown that, in LC, every functions has a fixed point.

f x = y     in general
f ω = ω     then ω is a fixed point of f, such that
ω = f ω = f (f ω) = f (f (f ω)) = f (f ... (f ω) ...)

fix takes a function and returns its fixed point:
fix f = ω such that f ω = ω
fix f = f (fix f) = f (f ...f (fix f)...))

in λ-calculus that is the role of Y combinator:
Y f = ω
f ω = ω
ω = f ω  = f (f ω)  = f (f (f ω))  = f (f ... (f ω) ...)
ω = Y f  = f (Y f)  = f (f (Y f))  = f (f ... (Y f) ...)


  • Y combinator

  • Fixed-point combinator

    • Values and domains

    • Function versus implementation

    • Combinators

  • Y in programming

    • factorial

  • Fixed-point combinators in LC

    • Equivalent definition of a fixed-point combinator

    • Derivation of the Y combinator

    • Other fixed-point combinators

    • Strict fixed-point combinator

    • Non-standard fixed-point combinators

  • Implementation in other languages

    • Lazy functional implementation

    • Strict functional implementation

    • Imperative language implementation

  • Typing

    • Type for the Y combinator

Y combinator

  • In the untyped lambda calculus, every function has a fixed point

  • Curry's paradoxical combinator Y := λf. (λx. f (x x)) (λx. f (x x))

  • In PL with 1st class fns, Y can be used to implement recursion if lacking

  • Y may be used in implementing Curry's paradox. The heart of Curry's paradox is that untyped LC is unsound as a deductive system, and the Y combinator demonstrates that by allowing an anonymous expression to represent zero, or even many values. This is inconsistent in mathematical logic.

Applied to a unary function, Y combinator diverges. To curb the execution and emulate loops, another (the second, or usually the last) parameter is used as the counter. Used this way, Y combinator implements simple recursion. Since, in LC, it's not possible to define a function in terms of itself, Y is used for recursion which is possible due to function self-application.

  • The starting point is the little omega function which is an example of self-application, but it diverges, forever reproducing itself, ω := λf.ff.

  • The most general recursive function is fix f = f (fix f), in term of which all recursive functions can be encoded. fix returns the fixpoint of the supplied function; however, it doesn't really find any particular fixpoint, it more represents or "encodes" the solution - as the LHS expression itself. It's like, for any function f, its fixpoint is f (fix f), which when expanded produces f (f (fix f)), f (f (f (fix f))), ..., f (f ...f (fix f)...)). In FPL, this "forward expansion", when the fix function is implemented as a datatype, like Fix f = f (Fix f), can be considered as addition of layers (of f), while the "backward reduction" is like peeling off these layers.

  • The key to curbing the recursion is to have at least a binary function whose second argument acts as the control counter, so it is checked before entering the body which "pulls the recursion further" by adding another recursive layer.

Fix f = f (Fix f)

(Y)(f) = f (Y f)

ω := λ
Ω := λg.λf.f(gg)
Ω := λf.λg.f(gg)

Y := (λg.λ (λx.f(xx))
Y := λf. (λx.f(xx)) (λx.f(xx))

fac := λf. λn. ISZERO n 1 (...)
                          (MUL n (f (PRED n)))

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