
In the notation of first-order logic, we write P(n) to mean that P holds of n, so we can express the principle of induction as:

P(0) β‹€ βˆ€n(P(n) -> P(n+1)) -> βˆ€n.P(n)

But notice that the principle of induction says that the axiom holds for every property P, which means that we should properly use a universal quantifier for that, too:

βˆ€Ο† [ (Ο† 0) β‹€ βˆ€n (Ο† n -> Ο† (S n)) => βˆ€n.Ο† n ]

Quantifying over properties takes us out of the realm of first-order logic; induction is therefore a principle in second-order logic.

The first two Peano axioms for natural numbers are:

  1. 0 ∈ β„•

  2. n ∈ β„• -> S(n) ∈ β„•

The axioms (inference rules) for natural numbers:

----- (1)
0 : β„•

n : β„•
--------- (2)
S(n) : β„•

The natural numbers are defined by two inference rules:

  1. Z ∈ β„•

  2. n ∈ β„• -> S(n) ∈ β„•

What would transpire if the latter rule was instead the following one? 3. S(n) ∈ β„• -> n ∈ β„•

When we needed to show that, e.g. n = S (S Z) ∈ β„•, we start with n at the bottom and we work our way up, i.e. bottom-up approach, applying the applicable rules, towards the base case. If we reach it, we say that the claim holds (is true).

-------------- by (1)
      Z : β„•
-------------- by (2)
    S Z : β„•
-------------- by (2)
S (S Z) : β„•

We remove an S with every inductive step, eventually reaching the base case.

But with the rule (3) instead of (2), we'd diverge, since each inductive step would add an S, making the derivation diverge away from the base case, instead towards it; and the derivation "tower" would be flipped upside down.

An axiom n ∈ β„• -> S(n) ∈ β„• is realized in derivations the same way, with premise n ∈ β„• at the top and the conclusion S(n) ∈ β„• at the bottom; only we use the top-to-bottom approach, starting with the conclusion and working our way up; it starts from the conclusion and proceeds towards the premise (perhaps it can be said that we work backwards, towards the base case).

The inductive case of an inductive definition should be defined in such a way that it eventually reaches the base case.

On the other hand, the rule (2) seems like a good function to generate all β„•: it starts from Z and generates all elements in β„• = {Z, S Z, S (S Z), ...}

     Z  ∈ β„• ->       S Z   ∈ β„•      by (1)
   S Z  ∈ β„• ->    S (S Z)  ∈ β„•      by (2)
S (S Z) ∈ β„• -> S (S (S Z)) ∈ β„•      by (2)
// etc.

It seems we could say that the rule (2) is a generator for β„•, while rule (3) is a checker for β„•, i.e. a predicate, since it checks whether some element belongs in β„•.

In order to check whether x ∈ β„• with x = S (S (S Z)), we make a series of derivations according to the 3rd rule, S(n) ∈ β„• -> n ∈ β„•. We start with x and work our way down, hopefully, reaching Z.

S (S (S Z)) ∈ β„• -> S (S Z) ∈ β„•      by (3)
   S (S Z)  ∈ β„• ->    S Z  ∈ β„•      by (3)
      S Z   ∈ β„• ->      Z  ∈ β„•      by (1)

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