List of mathematical objects

List of mathematical objects

  • Set theory

    • set

    • set partition

    • ordered pair

    • Carthesian product

  • Relation theory

    • relation

  • Order theory

    • order

  • Function theory

    • function

    • injective function

    • surjective function

    • bijective function

    • inverse function

    • total function

    • partial function

  • Combinatorics

    • permutation

    • combination

    • derangement

  • Geometry

    • point

    • line

    • line segment

    • polygons

      • triangle

      • square

      • pentagon

      • hexagons

    • circle

    • ellipse

    • parabola

    • hyperbola

    • polyhedra

      • tetrahedron

      • cube

      • octahedron

      • dodecahedron

      • icosahedron

    • sphere

    • ellipsoid

    • paraboloid

    • hyperboloid

    • cylinder

    • cone

  • Graph theory

    • node

    • edge

    • graph

    • tree

  • Topology

    • topological space

    • manifold

  • Linear algebra

    • scalar

    • vector

    • matrix

    • tensor

  • Abstract algebra

    • group

    • ring

    • module

    • field

    • vector space

    • group-theoretic lattice

  • Logic

    • proposition

    • hypothesis

    • conclusion

    • antecedent

    • subsequent

    • sequent

  • Proof theory

    • theorem

    • theory

And a lot more

  • number

  • expression

  • geometric shape

  • transformation (of other mathematical objects)

  • spaces

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