Prime factorisation

The prime factorisation of the integers is a central point of study in number theory and can be visualised with the variant of Ulam's spiral.

Ulam's spiral plots the primes in a polar coordinate system (p,p) where the second component is in radians (Ο€/2 rad = 90Β°, Ο€ rad = 180Β°, 3Ο€/2 = 270Β°, 2Ο€ rad = 360Β°).

We can first consider the set β„•, plotting all (n,n) pairs, with (0,0) as the origin; the increments in the first component make each sucessive point 1 unit further from the center, and the second component is the angle in radians.

So, we have something like:

0Β°=360Β°|       | 90Β°          | 180Β°         | 270Β°                 | 360Β°
k*2Ο€   |       | k*Ο€/2        | k*Ο€          | k*3Ο€/2               | k*2Ο€
(0,0)  | (1,1) | 1.57 | (2,2) | 3.14 | (3,3) | 4.71 | (5,5) | (6,6) | 6.28
  ^      ^              ^              ^              ^       ^
plotted points for pairs (n,n) where n ∈ {0..6}

If we overlay x-axis as the kΟ€ axis (for k ∈ β„•), the pair (6,6) is fairly off (relatively, much worse compared to other candidates) the x-axis (or, it is off from the point), but nevertheless it is the last one before a full circle is completed. Therefore, there are 6 spiraling arms coming out of the origin point. Each of the 6 spiraling arm is one of the six residue classes modulo 6, 6k+n mod 6.

Therefore, to plot the primes, we remove the non-prime arms (6k+0, 6k+2, 6k+3, 6k+4), and we are left with (most members) of the 6k+1 and 6k+5 arms; that is, there are just 2 arms, 6k+5 and 6k+7 (since 6k+1 = 6k+7).

Anyway, the points that lay really close to the x-axis are 22 and 44, that is, the pairs (22,22) and (44,44), which will turn out to be significant magic numbers later.

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