Index of axioms


  • totality: total relation

  • empty relation

  • inverse relation

  • identity relation

  • Reflexivity

    • reflexive relation

    • irreflexive relation

    • coreflexive relation

    • quasi-reflexive relation

  • Symmetry

    • symmetric relation

    • asymmetric relation

    • antisymmetric relation

  • Transitivity

    • transitive relation

    • antitransitive relation

  • Euclidean

    • left Euclidean

    • right Euclidean


  • preorder: asymmetry + transitivity

  • equivalence relation: preorder + refexivity

  • partiality, partial order: preorder: irreflexive

  • totality: total order

  • post order


  • totality: total function

  • partiality: partial function

  • Involution

    • inverse

  • Identity

    • left identity

    • right identity

    • composition, associativity of composition

  • Surjection

  • Injection

  • Bijection


Type theory

  • variance

    • invariance

    • covariance

    • contravariance

Boolean algebra

  • complement

  • Logic

    • bivalence

    • excluded middle

    • domination

    • De Morgan's laws (distributivity)

    • Principle of explosion

    • completness

  • Sets

    • union

    • intersection

    • difference

    • De Morgan's laws (distributivity)

  • Algebras

    • closure

    • assoc

    • identity

    • inverse

    • distrib

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