Prime numbers

Glossary of prime numbers

A natural number greater than 1, n ∈ ℕᐩᐩ, is a prime number

  • if it is not a product of two (smaller) natural numbers

  • if it is only divisible by 1 and itself

  • ∀m,n ∈ ℕ. m ∤ n -> n ∈ ℙ for n > 1, m ∉ {0,1,n}

Primality is a polarizing property: a natural number is either a prime or a composite number

Sieve of Eratosthenes

The sieve of Eratosthenes starts with a sieve of numbers, all unmarked. It starts by skipping 2 but then marking all 2k numbers > 2 (to be discarded). Then it finds the first unmarked number (3) and marks all 3k numbers > 3.

It repeatedly finds the first unmarked number p (next prime number), then marks p² and all the multiples of p that are larger then p² as composite. After marking the multiples of 2, 3, 5, 7, all primes up to the square root of the table size have been processed.

Primality is a polarizing property of numbers: a number is either prime or composite.

Primality is about number factorization, whether a number n can be expressed as multiplication k*m (with 1 < k, m < n).

If a number is expressed in a unary number system (which has only a single symbol), then a unary numeral formation represents a composite natural number if the constituent symbols cannot be partitioned (clustered) in equally-sized groups. For example, in a unary numeral system where the only symbol is "o", number 7 is denoted by 7 o's, as ooooooo. We can see that this formation represents a prime number because it cannot be partition into equally-sized subsets.

For example, a tally-mark numeral system is a unary numeral system where the only symbol is usually denoted by a "tally", which is a bar-like or a "stick-like" symbol such as |; e.g. |||| represents number 4.

Therefore, to see whether a number is prime, convert it into a unary numeral representation, then check if a sequence of the symbol can be clustered into equal groups of 2; if not, check for groups of 3, 4, 5, etc., up to √n floored. This primality check may be implemented as a regex.

  • Mersenne numbers have the form 2ᵏ−1 and those that are prime are called Mersenne primes. By the end of the XVI century, the highest Mersenne prime was 2¹⁹−1 (524,287). At the start of the XXI century, 2⁴²¹¹²⁶⁰⁹−1 was the highest, containing approximately 13 million digits.

  • The prime factorisation of the integers is a central point of study in number theory and can be visualised with Ulam spiral.

  • Fundamental theorem of arithmetic (FTAr), also called the unique factorisation theorem, states that every integer greater than 1, is either prime or the unique product of primes. This is the reason 1 is not a prime; if 1 were a prime, the product of primes would not be unique; instead of having a unique product (e.g 24=2³×3), there would be arbitrary number of 1 factors (24=2³×3×1 or 24=2³×3×1×1, etc.).

  • Prime number distribution: The German mathematician Carl Gauss had proved (at the age of 14) that as x → ∞, the function π(x), which estimates the number of primes up to x, is given by π(x) ~ x/ln x.

  • Proper factors of a number are its divisors save for the number itself. For example, PF(6) = {1,2,3}. In relation to the sum of its proper divisors, a number is either:

  • perfect, n == PF(n)

  • abundant, n < PF(n), 12 since PF(12) = {1,2,3,4,6} and their sum is 16

  • deficient, n > PF(n), e.g. any prime p since p > 1

Euclid proved that 2ⁿ⁻¹(2ⁿ-1) is an even perfect number when 2ⁿ-1 is a Mersenne prime. These are now called Euclid numbers. Euler had proved that all even perfect numbers have this form, for n ∈ ℙ.

The sequence of perfect numbers begins with (6, 28, 496,...)














3 = 2ⁿ-1 is Mersenne prime, n ∈ ℙ





7 = 2ⁿ-1 is Mersenne prime, n ∈ ℙ





  • A perfect number equals the sum of its proper factors (e.g. 6=1+2+3). This sequence begins with: 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336. Euclid had proved that if m is a Mersenne prime, then m(m+1)/2 is an even perfect number.

  • Twin primes are a pair of primes that differ by 2.

  • A coprime numbers are a pair of numbers that have no common factors.

  • Wilson's theorem: iff n is prime then (n-1)!+1 is a multiple of n:

    (n-1)! ≡ -1 (mod n)

  • Goldbach's Conjecture: every even number (>= 6) can be written as the sum of two odd prime numbers. Goldbach also conjectured that all odd numbers are the sum of three odd primes. Vinogradov's theorem shows this to be true, in general (save for finitely many odd numbers).

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