A relation R between two sets A and B is a functional relation iff, for all x in A, there are y and z in B, such that (x,y) β R and (x,z) β R implies y = z.
βx β A. βyβy' β B. [ (x,y) β F β§ (x,y') β F ] -> y = y'
A partial function is a triple f = where A and B are arbitrary, possibly empty, sets, and F is a functional, possibly empty, relation between A and B, called the graph of f
A function f: A β B
is injective (one to one) iff, βxβy β A. f(x) = f(y) implies that x = y. (dom = ran < cod)
f:AβB is injective <=> βaβa' β A. [ f(a) = f(a') ] -> a = a'
A function f: A β B is surjective (onto) iff, for all y β B, there is some x β A such that f(x) = y. Equivalently, the range of f is the set B. (dom >= cod = ran)
f:AβB is surjective <=> βy β B. βx β A. f(x) = y
A function is bijective (1:1 correspondence) iff it is both injective and surjective. (dom = cod = ran)
injection : |dom = ran| < |cod|
surjection: |dom| > |ran = cod|
bijection : |dom| = |ran| = |cod|
A partial function doesn't have the entire domain engaged. With partial functions, injection cannot be distinguished from bijection. A partial surjection is also possible.
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