• BCE: Aristotle, the roots of formalised logic

  • 4 BCE Euclid "Elements" aximatic system of geometry

  • 1860s Hermann Grassmann showed that many facts in arithmetic could be derived from more basic facts about the successor operation and induction.

  • 1879: Frege's Begriffsschrift introduces propositional and predicate calculus

  • 1881, C.S.Peirce provided Axiomatization of Natural Number Arithmetic (ANNA)

  • 1884: Frege's Foundations of Arithmetic, math in formal logic

  • 1888: Richard Dedekind another proposal for ANNA

  • 1889: G.Peano published a simplified version of Dedekind's ANNA proposal as a collection of axioms in his book, The Principles of Arithmetic Presented by a New Method.

  • 1900: At the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris David Hilbert sets a plan to formalize math and establish completness, consistency and decidability, presents 23 math problems.

  • 1903: Frege's Begriffsschrift reprint with Russell's paradox

  • 1906: Bertrand Russell The Theory of Implication: gave a different complete axiomatization of propositional logic

  • 1908: E.Zermelo proposes the first axiomatic set theory, Zermelo set theory

  • 1909: Truth tables appear explicitly in writings by Eugen Müller

  • 1912: C.I.Lewis, traces of modal propositional logic

  • 1913: Principia Mathematica by Russell and Whitehead

  • 1913: H.M.Sheffer, define all logic operators in terms of one (NAND)

  • 1917: Jean Nicod, axiomatize propositional logic using the Sheffer stroke and only a single axiom schema and single inference rule.

  • 1917: Jan Łukasiewicz, three-valued propositional logic

  • 1921: Emil Post uses truth tables extensively

  • 1921: Ludwig Wittgenstein Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, in which truth tables and truth-functionality are prominently featured.

  • 1926: Ernst Mally, deontic logic

  • 1927: Second edition of Principia Mathematica, deriving math truth using axioms, inference rules of formal logic

  • 1920: Löwenheim-Skolem theorem

  • 1930: Herbrand universe, Herbrand interpretation, reduction of FOL's SAT formulas to propositional SAT problems.

  • 1929: K.Gödel's Completeness theorem. Presburger: theory of natural numbers is decidable, algorithm to determine proposition's truth value

  • 1930: D.Hilbert in Konigsberg: "Wir müssen wissen, wir werden wissen"

  • 1931: K.Gödel's Incompleteness theorem, Entscheidungsproblem

  • 1936: A.Church, lambda calculus, Church-Rosser theorem proved

  • 1936: A.Church and A.Turing independently showed that a general solution to the decision problem is impossible.

  • 1942: joint paper and introduction of Category theory by Saunders Mac Lane and Samuel Eilenberg.

  • 1946: ENIAC computer

  • 1960: Jaakko Hintikka, first systematic treatment of epistemic logic

  • 1970s: A.R.Anderson, N.D.Belnap, relevance propositional logic

  • 1970-80: N.C.A.da Costa, Graham Priest, paraconsistent logic

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