Logic Indices

  • Logical reasoning

    • Deduction

    • Induction

    • Abduction

  • Structural rules

    • Monotonicity of entailment, weakening

    • Idempotency of entailment, contraction

    • Exchange

    • The cut rule

    • De Morgan duality

  • Properties

    • Satisfiability

    • Validity

    • Soundness

    • Well-formedness

    • Compactness

    • Completeness

    • Consistency

    • Truth functional (operators)

    • Defeasibility

    • Substitution

  • Logical connectives

    • negation

    • conjunction

    • disjunction

    • implication

    • bicondition

    • Sheffer's stroke

    • Pierce's arrow

    • XOR

  • Principles

    • Law of identity, ID, x:x=x\forall x: x=x

      pp, pp{p\land\top\equiv p},\ {p\lor\bot\equiv p}

    • Law of non-contradiction, NC: ¬(p¬p)\lnot(p\land \lnot p)

    • Law of excluded middle, EM, Tertium non datur, TND: p¬pp\lor \lnot p

      ¬¬¬,¬¬¬\top\equiv\lnot\lnot\top\equiv\lnot\bot, \quad \bot\equiv\lnot\lnot\bot\equiv\lnot\top

    • Principle of explosion, Ex falso quodlibet, EFQ

      pq:(p¬p)q\forall p \forall q : (p\land \lnot p) \vdash q

    • Principles of bivalence: \top\lor\bot, not both, not neither

    • Independence of premise, Kreisel–Putnam rule, KPR

    • Negation as failure, NAF

  • Rules

    • Commutativity

      • Conjunction: pqqpp\land q \vdash q \land p

      • Disjunction: pqqpp\lor q \vdash q \lor p

    • Associativity

      • Conjunction: p(qr)(pq)rp\land (q\land r) \vdash (p\land q)\land r

      • Disjunction: p(qr)(pq)rp\lor (q\lor r) \vdash (p\lor q)\lor r

    • Distributivity:

      • p(qr)(pq)(pr)p\land (q\lor r) \vdash (p\land q) \lor (p\land r)

      • p(qr)(pq)(pr)p\vee (q\land r) \vdash (p\vee q) \land (p\vee r)

    • Absorption: pqp(pq)p\to q\vdash p\to (p\land q)

    • De Morgan's laws

      • Negation of conjunction: ¬(pq)(¬p¬q)\neg (p\land q) \vdash (\neg p \lor \neg q)

      • negation of disjunction: ¬(pq)(¬p¬q)\neg (p\lor q)\vdash (\neg p\land \neg q)

    • Material implication: pq¬pq (MI)p\to q \equiv \lnot p\lor q\ _{(MI)}

    • Idempotency

    • Domination laws: p, p{p\lor\top\equiv \top},\ {p\land\bot\equiv \bot}

    • Negation laws

    • Double negation

    • Transposition

    • Material implication

    • Exportation

    • Tautology

    • Negation introduction

  • Inference

    • Derivability, derived rule

    • Admissibility, Admissible rule

    • Discharged assumption

    • Conditional proof assumption, CPA

  • Inference rules

    • Negations

      • Negation

        • not-introduction, Reductio ad absurdum, pq,p¬q¬p (¬i)p\to q, p\to\neg q \vdash\neg p\ _{(\lnot i)}

        • not-elimination, Noncontradiction, ¬ppr (¬e)\neg p\vdash p\to r\ _{(\lnot e)}

      • Double negation (depends on EM)

        • DN-introduction, p¬¬p (¬¬i)p \vdash \lnot \lnot p \ _{(\lnot\lnot i)}

        • DN-elimination, ¬¬pp (¬¬e)\lnot \lnot p\vdash p\ _{(\lnot \lnot e)}

      • De Morgan's laws

        • Negation of conjunction: ¬(pq)(¬p¬q) (DM)\neg (p\land q) \vdash (\neg p \lor \neg q)\ _{(DM)}

        • Negation of disjunction: ¬(pq)(¬p¬q) (DM)\neg (p\lor q)\vdash (\neg p\land \neg q)\ _{(DM)}

    • Conjunction

      • and-introduction, Adjunction: p,qpq ip,q\vdash p\land q\ _{\land i}

      • and-elimination, Simplification: pqp (e1)p\land q\vdash p\ _{(\land e_1)} and pqq (e2)p\land q\vdash q\ _{(\land e_2)}

      • Commutativity: pqqpp\land q \vdash q \land p

      • Associativity: p(qr)(pq)p\land (q\land r) \vdash (p\land q)

      • De Morgan's law: ¬p¬q¬(pq) (DM)\neg p \land \neg q \vdash \neg (p\lor q) \ _{(DM)}

    • Disjunction

      • or-introduction: ppq (i)p\vdash p\lor q\ _{(\lor i)}

      • or-elimination: pq,pr,qrr (e)p\lor q,p\to r,q\to r \vdash r\ _{(\lor e)}

      • Disjunctive syllogism, DS: pq,¬qp (DS)p\lor q,\lnot q\vdash p\ _{(DS)}

      • Commutativity: pqqpp\lor q \vdash q \lor p

      • Associativity: p(qr)(pq)p\lor (q\lor r) \vdash (p\lor q)

      • De Morgan's law: ¬p¬q¬(pq) (DM)\neg p \lor \neg q \vdash \neg (p\land q) \ _{(DM)}

      • Material implication: ¬pqpq (MI)\lnot p\lor q \vdash p\to q\ _{(MI)}

    • Implication

      • Modus ponens, MP, pq,pq (MP)p\to q, p \vdash q\ _{(MP)}

      • Modus tollens, MT, pq,¬q¬p (MT)p\to q,\lnot q \vdash\lnot p\ _{(MT)}

      • Material implication: pq¬pq (MI)p\to q \vdash \lnot p\lor q\ _{(MI)}

      • Hypothetical syllogism: pq,qrpr (HS)p\to q, q\to r \vdash p\to r\ _{(HS)}

      • Implication introduction in conditional proof:

        (pq)pq (i)(p \vdash q) \vdash p\to q\ _{(\to i)}

      • Reflexivity: pppp \vdash p\to p

      • Absorption: pqp(pq)p\to q \vdash p\to (p \to q)

    • Biconditional

      • iff-introduction: pq,qppq (i)p\to q, q\to p \vdash p\leftrightarrow q\ _{(\leftrightarrow i)}

      • iff-elimination: pqpq,qp  (e)p\leftrightarrow q\vdash p\to q,q\to p\ \ _{(\leftrightarrow e)}

    • Universal quantifier

      • ∀-introduction, Generalization, GEN

      • ∀-elimination

      • De Morgan's: xP(x)¬(x¬P(x))\forall x P(x) \equiv \neg (\exists x\,\neg P(x))

    • Existential quantifier

      • ∃-introduction

      • ∃-elimination

      • De Morgan's: xP(x)¬(x¬P(x))\exists x P(x)\equiv \neg (\forall x\,\neg P(x))

  • Reiteration, Copy, CPY

  • Modus ponendo tollens, MPT

  • Deduction theorem

  • Constructive dilemma

  • Destructive dilemma





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