Lambda calculus: η-conversion

-- y is free (λx.xy) -- so let's lift the exp to bind it λy.(λx.xy) ≡ λyx.xy

-- in haskell f x y = map j [] y ≡ f x = map j []

-- η-introduction -- x,y are formal params -- A is previously defined final concrete value -- I is id function (λx. x) A ≡ A (λx. A) A ≡ A (λx. A) y ≡ A

x(λ_. x) _ x ≡ (λv. x) v x ≡ (λv. v) x

λv. (x x) v)

// 1) direct val
// 2) delayed value x1: thunk 1
(() => 'bingo!')()
// 2) delayed value x2: thunk 1+1
(() => (() => 'bingo!') ()) ()
// 2) delayed value x3: thunk 1+1+1
(() => (() => (() => 'bingo!') ()) ()) ()
// 2) delayed value x4: thunk 1+1+1+1
( () => (
        () => (
            () => (
                    () => 'bingo!'
                  ) ()
              ) ()
          ) ()
) ()

(v => (v => 3) (v)) ()

(c => (b => (a => 3) (b)) (c)) ()

(c =>
    (b =>
        (a => 'bingo!')

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