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J.Reynolds. Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN: 78-0-521-10697-9.An introduction to many-valued and fuzzy logic: semantics, algebras, and derivation systems
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Craig DeLancey, 2017A Concise Introduction to Logic
Patrick Hurley, 2012A Primer for Logic and Proof
Holly Hirst, Jeffry L. Hirst,, 2015Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages
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Margaret M. Fleck, 2013Certified Programming With Dependent Types
Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming
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First-Order Logic and Automated Theorem Proving
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Tim Button, 2017forallx: Lorain County Remix
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Univalent Foundations Program, 2013Introduction to Lambda Calculus
Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Lambda Calculus - Its Syntax and Semantics
Lambda Calculus: Types And Models
J.L. Krivine, 1993Lecture Notes in Logic - Yiannis Moschovakis 2014
Logic for Computer Science
Steve Reeves, Mike Clarke, 2003Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems
Michael Huth and Mark Ryan, 2000Mathematical Components
Assia Mahboubi, Enrico Tassi, 2018Mathematics for Computer Science
Lehman, Leighton, Meyer, 2015Metatheory
Open Logic Project
R.Zach, A.Arana, J.Avigad, 2018Programs and Proofs: Mechanizing Mathematics with Dependent Types
Ilya Sergey, 2017Proof Theory: From Arithmetic to Set Theory
Ilya Sergey, 2017Reasoned Programming
Recursion Theory - Frank Stephan 2012
Sentential Logic Primer
Software Foundations Series
Syntax of First-order Logic
The Emergence of First-order Logic
Type Systems for Programming Languages
Type Theory and Functional Programming
Simon Thompson, 1991Types and Programming Languages
Benjamin C. Pierce, 2004What is Mathematics: Gödel's Theorem and Around
Karlis Podnieks, 2015Writing Mathematical Proof
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