Lambda Calculus: Church encoding: Numerals

  • Church numerals are the representations of natural numbers in LC

  • The HOF that repr Nat n is a function that maps any function f to its n-fold composition

  • The "value" of the numeral is equivalent to the number of times the function encapsulates its argument (folds n times on itself

  • All Church numerals are functions that have 2 parameters.

  • 0 means not applying the function at all

  • 1 means applying the function once

  • 2 means applying the function twice

  • 3 means applying the function trice, and so on

  • n | n f x = fⁿ(x) | n = λf. λx. f⁰ⁿ x

  • f⁰ⁿ = f ∘ f ∘ ... ∘ f fold f n times on itself \ n times /

Z := λs. λz. z S₁ := λn. λs. λz. s (n s z) S₂ := λn. λs. λz. n s (s z)

IsZero := λn. n (λx. F) T

Le := λm. λn. IsZero (Minus m n) Eq := λm. λn. (Le m n) (Le n m)


add m n = 0 m add m (S n) = S (add m n) Add: f⁰ᵐᐩⁿ (x) = f⁰ᵐ (f⁰ⁿ (x)) Add := λm. λn. λf. λx. m f (n f x) Succ := λn. λf. λx. f (n f x) -- equiv. to Add 1 Succ: fⁿᐩ¹ x = f(fⁿ x) succ: n f x = f (n f x)

Mul: f⁰ᵐⁿ (x) = (f⁰ⁿ)⁰ᵐ (x) Mul := λm. λn. λf. λx. m (n f) x

exp(m, n) = mⁿ Exp: n h x = hⁿ (x) (subst. h by m, x by f) m n f = mⁿ (f) Exp := λm. λn. n m

Pred := λn. λf. λx. n (λg. λh. h (g f)) (λn. x) (λu. u) A Church numeral applies a function n times. The predecessor function must return a function that applies its parameter n - 1 times. This is achieved by building a container around f and x, which is initialized in a way that omits the application of the function the first time.

Minus := λm. λn. (n Pred) m The subtraction function can be written based on the predecessor function. sub: fᵐ⁻ⁿ x = (f⁻¹)ⁿ (fᵐ x) sub m n = (n Pred) m

  • In Church encoding: Pred 0 = 0, m < n -> m - n = 0 but in fact theresult should be undefined coz this breaks things as it assumes that Pred 1 = Pred 0 = 0 which breaks the axiom for how Pred and Succ relate to each other: S (P n) ≡ P (S n) if n = 0 then S (P 0) = P (S 0) = S 0 = P 1 = 1 = 0 ✘

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