Primitive recursion

  • Primitive recursion uses the symbol ρ.

  • Definition: given f, a k-ary PRF, and g, a (k+2)-ary PRF, the (k+1)-ary function h is defined as the PR of f and g, i.e. the function h is PRF when:

      hᵏ⁺¹(0   , x₁, ⋯, xₖ) = fᵏ(x₁, ⋯, xₖ)
      hᵏ⁺¹(S(y), x₁, ⋯, xₖ) = gᵏ⁺²(y, hᵏ⁺¹(y, x₁, ⋯, xₖ), x₁, ⋯, xₖ)

Above, recursion is def on the first arg (k is the k-tuple of x args, i.e. k many xᵢ args). Since X is an arbitrary tuple, it is easier to define recursion on the first arg (and not on the last arg, as sometimes seems to be the way in math).

  • With simplified args, Xᵏ := (x₁, ⋯, xₖ):

      hᵏ⁺¹(0   , Xᵏ) = fᵏ(Xᵏ)
      hᵏ⁺¹(S(y), Xᵏ) = gᵏ⁺²(y, hᵏ⁺¹(y, Xᵏ), Xᵏ)
  • With two args:

      h²(0   , x) = f¹(x)
      h²(S(y), x) = g³(y, h²(y, x), x)
  • In Haskell:

      h    0  x = x
      h (S y) x = g y (h y x) x


  • The function h acts as a for loop from 0 up to the value of its first arg.

  • The rest of the arguments for h, denoted here with xᵢ (i=1..k), are a set of initial conditions for the for-loop which may be used by it during calculations but which are immutable by it.

  • The functions f and g on the right side of the equations which define h represent the body of the loop, which performs calculations.

  • Function f is only used once to perform initial calculations.

  • Calculations for subsequent steps of the loop are performed by g.

g function takes 3 args:

  1. The first parameter of g is fed the "current" value of the for-loop's index.

  2. The second parameter of g is fed the result of the for-loop's previous calculations, from previous steps.

  3. The rest of the parameters for g are those immutable initial conditions for the for-loop mentioned earlier. They may be used by g to perform calculations but they will not themselves be altered by g.

Note that the function g is not recursive itself but its second param (h y x) performs the recursive call (since it calls the function h which is being defined).

  • Here is the definition again without the explicit arities and with 1 arg (x):

      h(0   , x) = f(x)
      h(S(y), x) = g(y, h(y,x), x)
  • it looks cleaner when we use the LHS to reprent the successor of the actual natural number as S(y), then if we leave this to the RHS where we must use the predecessor function, P(y), twice intead:

      h(0, x) = f(x)
      h(y, x) = g(P(y), h(P(y),x), x)
  • Here is the simplified definition again, in Haskell. Haskell doesn't use parenthesis for function application (just space) so it is leaner:

h 0 x = f x
h y x = g (y-1) (h (y-1) x) x
          ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^
          arg#1    arg#2    arg#3
  • Example


f(x) = π¹₁(x) = x
since π¹₁ ≡ id

g =  σ ∘ π³₂
g = (σ ∘ π³₂) (x,y,z)
g(x,y,z) = σ(π³₂(x,y,z)) = σ(y)

then h is
h(0,    x) = f(x)
h(σ(y), x) = g(y, h(y,x), x)
           [ g(x, y     , z) = σ(π³₂(x,y,z)) ]
         g = σ(π³₂(x,y,z))
         g = σ(π³₂(y, h(y,x), x))
         g = σ( h(y,x) )
         g = σ(y)

h(0,1) = 1
h(1,1) = σ(h(0,1)) = 2
h(2,1) = σ(h(1,1)) = 3

The h is a binary primitive recursive function known, i.e. addition. See?

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