Affine logic

Affine logic is a substructural logic which omits the contraction rule, but not the weakening rule.

Categorically, affine logic is modeled by (symmetric) monoidal categories whose tensorial unit I is terminal, also known as semicartesian monoidal categories, an example of which is the category of affine spaces, giving rise to the name of the logic.

A more general notion of model would be given by monoidal categories equipped with a natural (in A) family A→I of arrows implementing “weakening” at each object. However, such an interpretation is in general badly behaved, unless we additionally require the natural transformation given by the maps A→I to be monoidal, and it can be shown that this additional requirement already forces the tensorial unit to be terminal (specifically, this follows from the component at I being the identity).

An example of the badly behaved case – where the transformation is not monoidal, and the tensorial unit is not terminal – is given by the category Rel of relations, with cartesian product as tensor product (i.e., with Rel as cartesian bicategory). Here a natural family of relations A→I is given by picking empty relations everywhere. In the corresponding interpretation of affine logic, any weakening yields an empty relation, which contradicts intuitive principles like for example that “adding a dummy variable to a proof and then substituting a closed term” should not change the semantics.

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