Cartesian product
If and are sets, then their Cartesian product is the set of all ordered pairs with and , denoted by:
It is possible that , in which case there is only a single set, , and the dot product is between itself:
so the elements of the dot product have the template .
The dot product is also a relation, called the total relation. Each and every element of the domain set is combined with each and every element of the codomain set. However, the elements of the dot product (thereby, of any relation also) are not the same as the elements of either domain or codomain, but a new structure, called an ordered pair is formed and denoted as .
In an ordered pair, , the is an element of the domain - the elements of the domain always make the first component of an ordered pair. The comes from the codomain - the elements of the codomain always make the second component of an ordered pair.
An ordered pair, , consists of two components, and , with , always a member of the domain, in place of the first component, and , always a member of the codomain, in place of the second component.
For example, let a relation between two sets and be the total relation i.e. their dot product; it is denoted by:
These two sets have a large number of possible relations - every relation between the empty relation and their total relation is a possible relation.
There is only one empty relation, in general, regardless of the sets involved.
And, between any two sets, there is only one total relation; that is, there's only one provided the two sets don't exchange their roles of domain and codomain (if they are allowed to do so, then it could be said there are two total relations between any two sets).
In between these two extremes are all other possible relations. Each one is made up of an arbitrary number of elements (i.e ordered pairs). Two relations, just like sets, are equal if all their members are equal, that is, iff one is the subset of the other and vice versa.
The relations are classified according to several criteria; the most fundamental kinds of relations are determined by the presence/absence of the certain elements.
A relation is a subset of Cartesian product. In fact, the Cartesian product is the total relation, and any other relation between two sets is a subset of their dot product.
Considering a relation on a set, e.g. on the set , and considering the set of all pairs of numbers where , i.e.
then there is a close connection between the number being less than a number and the corresponding pair being a member of , namely, iff . In a sense, we can consider the set to be the relation on the set .
A binary relation on a set is a subset of . If is a binary relation on and , we write (or ) for .
The set of ordered pairs of natural numbers (starting and ending curly-braces elided):
The subset of all pairs resting on the diagonal (fig.1), , is the identity relation on , for any set .
The subset of all pairs above the diagonal, , is the less than relation, (the symbol means "if and only if").
The subset of all pairs below the diagonal is the greater than relation, .
The union is the less than or equal to relation, .
The union is the greater than or equal to relation, .
are special kinds of relations called orders.
and have the property that no number bears or to itself i.e. for all , neither nor (e.g. neither 3 < 3 nor 3 > 3). Relations with this property are called irreflexive, and, if they also happen to be orders, they are called strict orders.
Any subset of is a relation on . Even the empty set is a relation on any set i.e. the empty relation, which consists of no pairs.
Also itself is a relation on called universal (full) relation, consisting of all the pairs of the Cartasian product .
Special Properties of Relations
Some relations are so common they've been given special names. For instance, and both relate their respective domains (e.g. in the case of , and in the case of ) in similar ways.
To get at exactly how these relations are similar, and how they differ, we categorize them according to some special properties that relations can have. It turns out that (combinations of) some of these special properties are especially important, like orders and equivalence relations.
A relation is reflexive if every element of the set is related to itself: a relation is reflexive iff . To be reflexive, e.g. a relation to the set (see fig.1), must contain all the identity (diagonal) pairs; it may also contain other, non-identity pairs.
the empty relation is not reflexive
the universal relation is reflexive
A relation is irreflexive if it doesn't conatin no identity (diagonal) pairs (it may contain other pairs as long as they're not id pairs). Irreflexive relation, , is denoted by .
the empty relation is irreflexive
the universal relation is not irreflexive
A relation is transitive iff, whenever and , then also . To be transitive a relation must satisfy this condition: if it contains the pair (x,y) AND the pair (y,z), ONLY THEN it must also contain the pair (x,z). This means that empty relation is transitive. A relation that contains the pairs (x,y) and (x,z) is transitive as well.
Only when it contains (x,y) and (y,z) i.e. only when there's a connecting element: an element that's the second entry in one pair and the first entry in another, then it must also contain the pair (x,z) in order to be a transitive relation.
the empty relation is transitive
the universal relation is transitive
A relation is symmetric iff, whenever , then also . If a relation contains a pair (x,y) then it must also contain a pair (y,x) to be symmetric.
the empty relation is symmetric
the universal relation is symmetric
a relation conting only a pair (1,1) is symmetric
A relation is anti-symmetric iff, whenever both and then ; i.e. if then either or . If a relation contains a pair (x,y) then it must not also contain a pair (y,x) in order to be anti-symmetric, unless that pair was (x,x) to begin with.
the empty relation is anti-symmetric
a relation conting only a pair (1,2) is anti-symmetric
a relation conting only a pair (1,1) is anti-symmetric, even though it acually contains (x,y) and (y,x), but since x=y, it is allowed.
In a symmetric relation, xRy and yRx always hold together, or neither holds.
In an anti-symmetric relation, the only way for xRy and yRx to hold is if x = y. This doesn't require that xRy and yRx hold when x = y, only that it isn't ruled out.
an anti-symmetric relation can be reflexive
not every anti-symmetric relation is reflexive
being anti-symmetric and not being symmetric are different conditions
a relation can be both symmetric and anti-symmetric at the same time, e.g. the identity relation.
Connectivity: A relation is connected if , then either or .
Partial order: A relation that is reflexive, transitive, and anti-symmetric.
Linear order: A partial order that is also connected.
Equivalence relation: A relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
Very often we are interested in comparisons between objects, where one object may be less or equal or greater than another in a certain respect. Size is the most obvious example of such a comparative relation, or order. But not all such relations are alike in all their properties. For instance, some comparative relations require any two objects to be comparable, others don’t. (If they do, we call them linear or total). Some include identity (like ≤) and some exclude it (like <).
Preorder: a relation which is both reflexive and transitive;
Partial order: a preorder which is also anti-symmetric;
Linear (total) order: a partial order which is also connected.
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