The notion of relation is based upon the notion of Cartesian product, which in turn, is based on the notion of the ordered pairs.
The Cartesian product (dot product, the product) of two sets and , denoted by is the set of all ordered pairs , with coming from the domain set , and coming from the codomain set .
Given two sets, and , their dot product is denoted by:
Informally, the Cartesian product between two sets is the matching of each element in the domain with each element in the codomain. The elements are matched as part of the new structure called an ordered pair.
A={x,y} ∧ B={1,2} -> A x B = { (x,1), (x,2), (y,1), (y,2) }
In such an ordered pair, the pair of objects is denoted , where the object is called the first component, and the object is the second component of the ordered pair. An ordered pair is an object in its own right. An ordered pair is the constituent member of the Cartesian product, and with that of each and every relation.
Any relation between two sets is a subset of their Cartesian product:
Unlike an unordered pair, which is just a plain set consisting of a couple of elements, , and hence does not have any notin of order, an ordered pair is affected by the order of its two components, so that
A binary relation from set to set , where and , is denoted as , and it is a subset of the Cartesian product .
so, a binary relation on the sets and is in fact an element in their power set:
The sets and may be the same set in which case its Cartesian product is usually denoted by and relations by .
Binary relations are used to model concepts like "is greater than", "is equal to", and similar. The concept of function is defined as a special kind of binary relation.
A binary relation between sets and is a subset of their Cartesian product, . Or equivalently, it is an element in the powerset of their Cartesian product.
Any subset of the Cartesian product forms a relation, whether it is a named (e.g. symmetric) or unnamed relation; even the empty set (being a subset of the Cartesian product set) is a relation.
A single set's Cartesian product (with itself) is commonly denoted as .
If and are sets, the Cartesian product is the set of all ordered pairs with and . And the set is the set where all pair of .
The set of ordered pairs of natural numbers (starting and ending curly-braces demarking this set are not showndue to formatting):
Any subset of this set forms a relation:
full relation, where every pair participates, is the set of the Cartesian product itself.
on the other side of the extreme is the empty relation which is the empty set; even though no pair participates, it is still considered a relation.
between these two extremes are all other relations, some of which have a name, being more popular then others. The most popular ones, come with a name and a special symbol attached.
Less than (LT, <
) relation is formed by the subset of all pairs lying above the diagonal, and greater than (GT, >
) by the subset of all pairs below the diagonal. The union of these two with identity relation form less than or equal to (LE, <=
) and greater than or equal to (GE, >=
) relations, respectively.
Relations are categorized by the special properties they hold. Some are very important like orders and equivalence relations.
Types of Relations
(using figure 1.1 as example)
Full relation is the Cartesian product set itself,
Empty relation is the empty set,
Identity relation on : the subset consisting of the pairs lying on the diagonal i.e. . It can be defined as
Inverse relation is the set of inverted pairs, usually denoted by .
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