
  • Mathematical Logic

    • Logical System

      • Logical Argument

        • Proposition, Atom, Formula, Hypothesis

        • Colorally, Axiom, Theorem, Lemma

        • Declarative statement

          • Premise, Conclusion

        • Conditional statement

          • Antecedent, Consequent

          • Sufficiency, Necessity

        • Deductive Argument (necessity)

          • Deductive argument forms

            • argument based on mathematics

            • argument from definition

            • categorical syllogism

            • hypothetical syllogism

              • pure hypothetical syllogism

              • mixed hypothetical syllogism

            • disjunctive syllogism

        • Inductive Argument (probability)

          • Inductive Argument Forms

            • prediction

            • argument from analogy

            • generalization

            • argument from authority

            • argument based on signs

            • causal inference

        • Logical Form

          • Logical Truth

          • Validity

          • Soundness

          • Strength

          • Cogency

      • Logic Interpretation

      • Logical Laws

        • Law of Identity

        • Law of Excluded Middle

        • Tautology

        • Fallacy

        • Contradictions

        • Contingency

        • Propositional Equivalences

        • Inverse, Converse, and Contra-positive

        • Duality Principle

        • Operators and Postulates

          • Closure

          • Associative Laws

          • Commutative Laws

          • Distributive Laws

          • Identity

          • Inverse

          • De Morgan's Law

      • Logical Connectives

        • negation

        • conjunction

        • disjunction

        • implication

        • bijunction

        • Normal Forms: CNF, DNF

      • Inference rules

        • conjunction elimination

        • conjunction introduction (1,2)

        • disjunction elimination, introduction

        • negation elimination, introduction, double negation

        • implication elimination, introduction

        • Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens

        • Addition

        • Conjunction

        • Simplification

        • MP, MT

        • Disjunctive Syllogism

        • Hypothetical Syllogism

        • Constructive Dilemma

        • Destructive Dilemma

      • Sequent Calculus

        • antecedent

        • consequent

      • Structural Rules

        • Weakening

        • Exchange

        • Contraction

    • Logic Systems

      • Formal Logic Systems

        • Symbol

        • Consistency

        • Validity

        • Soundness

        • Completeness

        • Well-Orderedness

      • Syllogistic Logic

      • Propositional Logic

        • Well Formed Formula

        • Quantifiers

      • First-order Logic

        • First-Order Theories

          • Formal systems

          • First-order languages and theories

          • Tautologies

          • Theorems and rules in first-order theories

        • Consistency

          • Consistency and completeness

          • Extensions by definitions

          • Interpretations

          • Herbrand–Skolem theory

          • Craig’s interpolation lemma

        • Incompleteness theorem

          • Number-theoretic functions and predicates

          • Representability

          • Arithmetizations

          • The incompleteness theorem

          • Minimal arithmetic

        • First-Order Number theory

          • Recursive extensions

          • The first-order theory PA

      • Second-order Logic

      • Higher-order Logic

      • Multi-valued Logic

      • Substructural Logic

        • Relevant Logic

        • Linear Logic

      • Separation Logic

      • Temporal Logic

      • Model Logic

  • Counting Theory

    • The Rules of Sum and Product

    • Permutations

    • Combinations

    • Pascal's Identity

    • Pigeonhole Principle

    • The Inclusion-Exclusion principle

    • Probability

      • Probability Axioms

      • Properties of Probability

      • Conditional Probability

      • Bayes' Theorem

  • Algebraic Structures

    • Mathematical induction

      • Induction

      • Strong Induction

    • Recurrence relations

      • Linear Recurrence Relations

      • Non-Homogeneous Recurrence Relation and Particular Solutions

      • Generating Functions

    • Graph theory

      • Graph

      • Graph Models

      • Types of Graphs

      • Representation of Graphs

      • Planar vs. Non-planar graph

      • Isomorphism

      • Homomorphism

      • Euler Graphs

      • Hamiltonian Graphs

      • Graph Coloring

      • Traversal

    • Trees

      • Properties

      • Centers and Bi-Centers of a Tree

      • Labeled Trees

      • Unlabeled Trees

      • Rooted Tree

      • Binary Search Tree

      • Spanning Trees

      • Kruskal's Algorithm

      • Prim's Algorithm

    • Group theory

      • Semigroup

      • Monoid

      • Group

      • Abelian Group

      • Cyclic Group and Subgroup

      • Partially Ordered Set (POSET)

      • Linearly Ordered Set

      • Hasse Diagram

      • Lattice

    • Field

    • Ring

    • Boolean algebra

      • Boolean Functions

      • Boolean Expressions

      • Boolean Identities

      • Canonical Forms

      • Logic Gates

      • Simplification Of Boolean Functions

        • Simplification Using Algebraic Functions

        • Karnaugh Maps

        • Simplification Using K-map

  • Theory of Computation

    • Logic in CS

      • Logic and verification

      • Proof theory

      • Modal and temporal logics

      • Automated reasoning

      • Constraint and logic programming

      • Constructive mathematics

      • Description logics

      • Equational logic and rewriting

      • Finite Model Theory

      • Higher order logic

      • Linear logic

      • Programming logic

      • Abstraction

      • Verification by model checking

      • Type theory

      • Hoare logic

      • Separation logic

    • Theory and algorithms for application domains

      • Program semantics

        • Algebraic semantics

        • Denotational semantics

        • Operational semantics

        • Axiomatic semantics

        • Action semantics

        • Categorical semantics

      • Program reasoning

        • Invariants

        • Program specifications

        • Pre- and post-conditions

        • Program verification

        • Program analysis

        • Assertions

        • Parsing

        • Abstraction

    • Lambda Calculi

      • Lambda Calculus

      • Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

      • System F

      • Lambda Pi

      • Lambda Omega

      • Lambda Omega Pi

    • Formal Language

      • Syntax

      • Semantics

      • Grammer

      • BNF

    • Complexity Theory

    • Automata Theory

      • DFA

      • NFA

    • Halting Problem

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