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Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland (DPLL) algorithm is a complete, backtracking-based search algorithm for deciding the satisfiability of propositional logic formulae in conjunctive normal form, i.e. for solving the CNF-SAT problem.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to DPLL algorithm:
Online Tools
Online SAT solvers
Offline SAT solvers
Category:SAT solvers
Category: Automated theorem proving
"A Computing Procedure for Quantification Theory"
Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam
"A Machine Program for Theorem Proving"
Martin Davis, George Logemann, Donald Loveland (1962)
"How Good Are Branching Rules in DPLL?"
Ouyang, Ming (1998)
"Handbook of practical logic and automated reasoning"
John Harrison (2009)
"The Impact of Branching Heuristics in Propositional Satisfiability Algorithms" Marques-Silva, JoĂŁo P. (1999)
"Backtracking search algorithms" Van Beek, Peter (2006)
"Abstract DPLL and Abstract DPLL Modulo Theories" (PDF) Nieuwenhuis, Robert; Oliveras, Albert; Tinelli, Cesar (2004),
The international SAT Competitions web page
zChaff website
Minisat website