

Types of magma

Magmas are not often studied as such; instead there are several different kinds of magma, depending on what axioms the operation is required to satisfy. Commonly studied types of magma include:

Quasigroup A magma where division is always possible

Loop A quasigroup with an identity element

Semigroup A magma where the operation is associative

Inverse semigroup A semigroup with inverse.

Semilattice A semigroup where the operation is commutative and idempotent

Monoid A semigroup with an identity element

Group A monoid with inverse elements, or equivalently, an associative loop, or a non-empty associative quasigroup

Abelian group A group where the operation is commutative Note that each of divisibility and invertibility imply the cancellation property.

Classification of magmas by properties

  • Medial

  • Left semimedial

  • Right semimedial

  • Semimedial

  • Trimedial

  • Entropic

  • Left distributive

  • Right distributive

  • Autodistributive

  • Commutative

  • Idempotent

  • Unipotent

  • Zeropotent

  • Alternative

  • Power-associative

  • Flexible

  • A semigroup, or associative

  • A left unar

  • A right unar

  • Semigroup with zero multiplication, or null semigroup

  • Unital

  • Left-cancellative

  • Right-cancellative

  • Cancellative

  • A semigroup with left zeros

  • A semigroup with right zeros

A magma (S, •), with x,y,u,z ∈ S is called:

  • Medial if xy • uz ≡ xu • yz

  • Left semimedial if xx • yz ≡ xy • xz

  • Right semimedial if yz • xx ≡ yx • zx

  • Semimedial if it is left and right semimedial

  • Trimedial if any triple of (not necessarily distinct) elements generates a medial submagma

  • Entropic if it is a homomorphic image of a medial cancellation magma

  • Left distributive if x • yz ≡ xy • xz

  • Right distributive if yz • x ≡ yx • zx

  • Autodistributive if it is left and right distributive

  • Commutative if xy ≡ yx

  • Idempotent if xx ≡ x

  • Unipotent if xx ≡ yy

  • Zeropotent if xx • yxxy • xx

  • Alternative if xx • yx • xy and x • yyxy • y

  • Power-associative if a submagma generated by any element is associative

  • Flexible if xy • xx • yx

  • associative (or a semigroup) if x • yzxy • z

  • left unar if xyxz

  • right unar if yxzx

  • null semigroup semigroup with zero multiplication if xy ≡ uv

  • Unital if it has an identity element

  • Left-cancellative if ∀xyz. xy = xz => y = z

  • Right-cancellative if ∀xyz. yx = zx => y = z

  • Cancellative if right-cancellative and left-cancellative

  • semigroup with left zeros if it is a semigroup and ∀x. x ≡ xy

  • semigroup with right zeros if it is a semigroup and ∀x. x ≡ yx

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