Logical symbols

List of common symbols used in various logics.

  • The verum: \top

    • true, top, tee, T

    • tautology, unconditional truth

  • The falsum: \bot

    • false, bottom, falsity,

    • contradiction, unconditional falsity, absurdity

  • The hook: ¬\lnot

    • negation, NOT, ¬

    • logical negation

  • The wedge: \land

    • ascending wedge, AND, ac, atque,

    • logical conjunction

  • The vel: \lor

    • descending wedge, OR, vee, v

    • logical disjunction

  • The arrow:

    • arrows: \to, \Rightarrow,     \implies

    • glyphs: , ,

    • read as "implies", "if...then"

    • logical (material) implication

    • bigger arrows may represent higher precedence

  • The double arrow:

    • "if and only if"

    • logical biconditional,     \iff

    • material equivalence, \Leftrightarrow,

    • equivalence, \leftrightarrow,

    • logical equivalence, \equiv,

    • bigger arrows may represent higher precedence

  • The turnstile: \vdash

    • glyph

    • "right tack", "tee", "assertion sign" symbol

    • "yields", "proves", "satisfies", "entails"

    • symbol for assertion, entailment, implication

    • syntactic consequence

  • The double turnstile, \models

    • "entails", "models", "makes true", "is stronger than", "is a semantic consequence of",

    • semantic consequence

    • "A is a model of φ": ⊨A φ

  • The for all: \forall

    • "for all",

    • universal quantifier

  • The there exists: \exists

    • "there is", "there exists",

    • existential quantifier

    • unique existential quantifier: ∃!

  • Other symbols:

    • "has the same cardinality as":

    • "has smaller cardinality than":

    • "x maps to y" (functions): x ↦ y

The turnstile

  • Represents: binary relation, assertion symbol

  • Commonly seen in sequent calculus

  • Often read as "yields", "proves", "satisfies", "entails"

  • Created by Gottlob Frege in 1879

  • Judgement of some content e.g. A\vdash A could be read as "I know AA is true".

  • A conditional assertion PQP\vdash Q could be read as "From PP, I know that QQ".

  • In proof theory represents provability: if TT is a formal theory and SS is a particular sentence in the language of the theory then TST\vdash S means that SS is provable from TT.

  • In the typed lambda calculus the turnstile is used to separate typing assumptions from the typing judgment.

  • In category theory, a reversed turnstile, as in FGF\dashv G, is used to indicate that the functor FF is left adjoint to the functor GG. It is rarely used as FGF\vdash G to indicate that the functor FF is right adjoint to the functor GG.

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